When using properties to track activity that we need to report on, e.g., event registrations or product adoption, it would be very helpful to be able to bulk edit multi-checkbox properties by appending values rather than replacing them. Currently the only way to do this appears to be with a workflow or new import, but we are often updating properties directly in the CRM and hate to risk undoing work/data that has been compiled over time.
Good News Everyone. This is actually LIVE. Check it out
What is it?
Users can remove property values from “multiple checkbox” properties during bulk edits on the index page.
Why does it matter?
This feature streamlines the process of updating multiple records. For instance, if you've updated the 'Buying Role' property and need to remove 'Budget Holder' from several contact records, this feature allows you to do so efficiently, ensuring all your data is quickly aligned with the new criteria.
How does it work?
To use this feature, navigate to the object's index page and select the records you wish to modify. Click 'Edit' and choose the specific property you want to adjust. You will now have the option to select 'Remove from current value(s)' to efficiently clear values from those records.
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Juan C. Perez
HubSpot Enthusiast | Certified Implementation Specialist Subscribe to weekly product updates in 3 snack-sized bites
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@danielnorris. Not yet, no. I've too have been keeping an eye on that. Seems the product team has focused on the ability for admis to edit properties from the index page but given this new update I hope they see the segue 🤞.
Juan C. Perez
HubSpot Enthusiast | Certified Implementation Specialist Subscribe to weekly product updates in 3 snack-sized bites
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Good News Everyone. This is actually LIVE. Check it out
What is it?
Users can remove property values from “multiple checkbox” properties during bulk edits on the index page.
Why does it matter?
This feature streamlines the process of updating multiple records. For instance, if you've updated the 'Buying Role' property and need to remove 'Budget Holder' from several contact records, this feature allows you to do so efficiently, ensuring all your data is quickly aligned with the new criteria.
How does it work?
To use this feature, navigate to the object's index page and select the records you wish to modify. Click 'Edit' and choose the specific property you want to adjust. You will now have the option to select 'Remove from current value(s)' to efficiently clear values from those records.
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Juan C. Perez
HubSpot Enthusiast | Certified Implementation Specialist Subscribe to weekly product updates in 3 snack-sized bites
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Oh my gosh, I just realized that a bulk edit of a multiple checkbox property through a contact list OVERWRITES a previous values 😲😵 I supposed that the new values are added. So HubSpot, we definietly need an update here, e.g. with the option to select if you want to add the new values or overwrite the previous ones, as mentioned by @annieseattle.
Jun 22, 20237:22 PM - edited Jul 26, 202312:38 AM
Bulk-editing multiple checkbox properties
Unfortunately, the way that SuhanaChooli described, didn't work for me. But creating a VIEW, then bulk editing with the option "Append to current" values definitely worked. 🙂 Thanks!
Please, please please, can you set the default selected radio button to 'Append to existing' for bulk updating of multiple checkbox properties?
This would make more sense than currently. The number of times I have overwritten valuable data because I've forgotten to unclick the selected 'Replace current calues(s)' radio button which is set as the current default.
What has worked for me to add a value (to a property that has checkboxes) via import:
Say you have a property, type: checkboxes. Those checkboxes are for eg. Event 1, Event 2, Event 3 etc.
Now you have a list of peoplewho have attended Event 3 - and some of them may have gone to Event 1 or Event 2 in the past (and that is already in their HS record). You only want to add the value Event 3 to their existing record. The way to import that info without replacing the existing values is by adding a semi colon BEFORE Event 3 in your file (see below). When uploading your file, don't override the existing value for that particular property.
NB: the name of the event should exist in your property label. So make sure to add that label in your property before importing.
+1 -- there are two ways I've tried to one-click edit multiple checkboxes:
Via contacts -- works, but I can't input a list of emails (the filter doesn't recognize the semicolons in the "exact" field) (so, you know, doesn't really work in the way I need it to for my current case)
Via list -- overwrites, as many have pointed out here.
My use case: Tracking attendees of a regular event series. I created custom properties to track those who register, register+attend, and register+don't attend -- as I'm backfilling this data, well, I ended up here. Please resolve!!
I see this has actually been solved and you can now bulk Append multi select checklists in the Saved Views. Though for some reason we are still unable to do it in lists. Though very grateful to not need Workflows for this basic action anymore.
I work on a product called HubTags. This gives you a multi-select checkbox property called HubTags. You can bulk add new tags to this proprety without removing any of the existing tags. The tags that you bulk upload can be applied to the desired contacts at the same time. Below is a image of our import and filtering features:
Had I known beforehand that this isn't an option, I'd never have gone with HubSpot for our company. This is not a problem or a wish for users, it's a bug!
We're in too deep now with the implementation to select different CRM software, but there are going to be a lot of problems for my colleagues; every time they'll import a list with, say attendees to a conference, they'll have to check manually whether a person is already in HubSpot, before importing. This will require a myriad of workarounds and instruction, precisely what I wished to get rid of by using a top knotch CRM. Can't believe this isn't fixed yet.
This is a serious flaw for us. We are using checkbox fields to tag contacts. To add individual tags in a contact is a everyday task and most of our contacts belong to groups of 12-20 participants from various events. Experience has shown that it is inmpossible to teach all users that a feature in the Hubspot UI that looks like it can add a tag/checkbox value in bulc actually erases all previous tags/checkbox field values. Also, it does not seem to be possible to disable this feature.
So, we are continously loosing data/corrupting the database because of this flaw. Can you PLEASE at least make it possible to disable this feature?
Best case solutin would be to actually allow bulc edits. That would be super useful.
I think a best in class example on how to support this can be found in microsoft excel (and I think other MS office products). It can cleanly and visibly self explanatory handle both adding and removing properties in bulc. It also clearly indicates if the property is already set areready in all/none or some cells.
Will jump in here, as well – this would be invaluable!
We are constantly importing lists of contacts that we gather while at conferences or while hosting webinars, etc. and we often see similar faces mixed in with the new ones. We have a "Contact Engagement" property that allows us to keep track of all the places that we interact with clients (i.e., so I can see I talked to a customer at this 2019 conference, he then joined our 2020 webinar, and now we've connected at a business social in 2021). We keep lists of attendees for these types of things but, at the moment, when we import one with a contact we already have and the new event under "Contact Engagement," it wipes out all other events under that contact's property, forcing us to go back in to each of our returners and manually update every event at which we've interacted with them.
Appending vs. replacing that multi-checkbox property info would be a game changer for our manpower and reporting!