
Auto assign bulk amount of Accounts with a Vertical

I have a list of Accounts and their associated Verticals I'm hoping to bulk assign without having to create individual workflows.

Essentially I want to import a list which has Account and Vertical, so that when a contact has their Account assigned, the vertical will then auto-assign.

Current list is in Excel form.

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参加者 | Elite Partner
参加者 | Elite Partner

Auto assign bulk amount of Accounts with a Vertical

Are you looking for assigning contact owner in bulk.

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Auto assign bulk amount of Accounts with a Vertical

Hey there!

Not the Contact Owner but within a contaxt we have 2x feilds

1 - Account (In our case the account/s they work across). This is manually added by each contact owner.
2 - Vertical (The vertical or category of the account).

I have a list which aligns each of the possible Accounts to the Vertical. For Example Coca-Cola may be the Account, with Food & Drink being the Vertical.

Hoping there may be a way to import this list so that, as a Contact Owner assigns a Contact an Account, the Vertical is automaticallu updated based on this list

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参加者 | Elite Partner
参加者 | Elite Partner

Auto assign bulk amount of Accounts with a Vertical

If Account is your custom property and you want to assign a other values like veritcals and all these are contact properties then you can create a csv file having a column names like-





Food & Drink

And after creating this CSV and reach to Settings Import settings and complete the import with one object file.

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参加者 | Elite Partner
参加者 | Elite Partner

Auto assign bulk amount of Accounts with a Vertical

And if you referring that these are Company properties then column names will change slightly in place of email we have to comapny domain name as domain is a primary key of company objects like email is a primary key of contacts object.