
Auto Populating Drop Down Properties?


Hey guys! 


We are trying to create target specific communication based on a specific property within our contacts. Is there a way to create a property with a drop down option that would be auto populated the same way "Job Title" will sometimes auto populate?


Hoping this makes sense. I'm new here. 


Thank you for your help! 




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Auto Populating Drop Down Properties?


Hi @Caitlin_BoxedUp,


Welcome to the community! Yes, that makes sense. However, HubSpot cannot on its own auto-populate any custom properties you created, HubSpot can only populate such properties via a workflow. In your example of job title, HubSpot is able to populate that property because it is a HubSpot property, and there are some data that HubSpot looks at from the contact record to be able to automatically determine that job title property and auto-populate it. This is not the same as the custom property you created. You can only tell HubSpot to auto-populate a custom property you created via a workflow.


Now, when you want to auto-populate a dropdown property with a workflow in HubSpot, please make sure that the property you are "copying from" and "copying to" has the same number of fields and internal values.


For example, let's say you have a custom dropdown property "Product used" as (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub), and you want to copy this property to another dropdown property (that can be either a custom property or not, but must be a dropdown property) "Client package". In this case, the property "Client package" must also be (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub) but can be arranged in any order.


The screenshot below shows what an internal value is. 




The important thing here is that the two properties must have the same number of fields and internal values. In the example above, you couldn't have had "Client package" as (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub, Operations Hub, Service Hub, CRM Suite) and expect the "copying" to work. 


Let me know if this helps.

Bukunmi (Matt) Odetayo

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Auto Populating Drop Down Properties?


Hi @Caitlin_BoxedUp,


Welcome to the community! Yes, that makes sense. However, HubSpot cannot on its own auto-populate any custom properties you created, HubSpot can only populate such properties via a workflow. In your example of job title, HubSpot is able to populate that property because it is a HubSpot property, and there are some data that HubSpot looks at from the contact record to be able to automatically determine that job title property and auto-populate it. This is not the same as the custom property you created. You can only tell HubSpot to auto-populate a custom property you created via a workflow.


Now, when you want to auto-populate a dropdown property with a workflow in HubSpot, please make sure that the property you are "copying from" and "copying to" has the same number of fields and internal values.


For example, let's say you have a custom dropdown property "Product used" as (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub), and you want to copy this property to another dropdown property (that can be either a custom property or not, but must be a dropdown property) "Client package". In this case, the property "Client package" must also be (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub) but can be arranged in any order.


The screenshot below shows what an internal value is. 




The important thing here is that the two properties must have the same number of fields and internal values. In the example above, you couldn't have had "Client package" as (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub, Operations Hub, Service Hub, CRM Suite) and expect the "copying" to work. 


Let me know if this helps.

Bukunmi (Matt) Odetayo

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Auto Populating Drop Down Properties?


Thank you! 

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