Associating Contacts to Custom Object - Multiple Property Values
Hi All,
Big thanks to @karstenkoehler for showing me the new Custom Associations in Hubspot Workflows!
I am now running in to an issue, where they may not be an answer but thought I'd ask. Has anybody found a way to associate contacts with an object where there may be multiple values associated?
For example I have created a Custom Object Record for Practices within a Company. Each Contact will need to be associated with that Practice in the Custom Object and should be done so by a Referral Code. Therefore I thought I should add a Multi Line Text field list out all the referral codes and then run the association workflow where if the Referral Code of the Contact (Single Line Text) has a match property value to the Associated Referral Codes field (Multi Line Text) of the Practices then it will associate but it doesnt. So I guess what I am asking is could I create a field with multiple values and still create an association based on matching properties on a field with one value?
Associating Contacts to Custom Object - Multiple Property Values
Hi DCrinnion1,
I had found a way around this. You could create a field in each of the objects, either a mulitli line text box and have a workflow set the field as the object you need the search to be, as an example below:
Or you could use a calculated propety to add the information together:
After that you can then use the new fields as your search option for the assocaitions.
Associating Contacts to Custom Object - Multiple Property Values
Hi DCrinnion1,
I had found a way around this. You could create a field in each of the objects, either a mulitli line text box and have a workflow set the field as the object you need the search to be, as an example below:
Or you could use a calculated propety to add the information together:
After that you can then use the new fields as your search option for the assocaitions.
Associating Contacts to Custom Object - Multiple Property Values
Hey Sam!
Thank you so much for this however I am not sure this will effect my situation. As each practice already has a few codes that are very random and not a culmination of company name and numbers etc. These codes were already assigned via our partners headquarters and we actually don't know what half of them are as they were already created. I did actually message Hubspot support and they say currently they are unable to match multi-line text fields with multiple different values with a single line text.