Associate former company record with new company record after rebranding
Hey There,
I'm trying to find a way to associate 2 company records with each other. Both records ultimately represent the same company - 1 record is from before the company rebranding and 1 after. We need to keep 2 separate records and historical data per each though we also need a connection or link between the records to be able to have all information centralised and accessible for our sales team. This is not a single case.
Any suggestions on how to best cover this scenario?
Associate former company record with new company record after rebranding
@TinaOtt Would it work to have the new re-branded Company as the parent company, and the old instance as the child company? That's the only way I'm aware of to associate 2 Company records to each other without merging them. By the way, merging was my first thought because a rebrand means the old brand is gone, so that won't be active anymore, and a merge would bring everything together into one record. But you said you want them separate. So my thought is parent/child company.
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Associate former company record with new company record after rebranding
@TinaOtt Would it work to have the new re-branded Company as the parent company, and the old instance as the child company? That's the only way I'm aware of to associate 2 Company records to each other without merging them. By the way, merging was my first thought because a rebrand means the old brand is gone, so that won't be active anymore, and a merge would bring everything together into one record. But you said you want them separate. So my thought is parent/child company.
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