Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the editor screen.
HubSpot default datetime field
Allowing this would help with building more precise workflows when it comes to email sending or time-sensitive emails like drip campaigns from workflows.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
👋Hi all, I'm Rachel from the HubSpot Product team. An update - we are now in public beta for 'Create Datetime properties in HubSpot,' which allows you to create custom Datetime properties. You can opt into the beta under Product Updates. A few notes:
When viewing and editing this property, a user’s current time zone will be used. This is based on the time zone set on their device.
When filtering with this property, your account’s time zone will be used by default.
Any custom datetime properties that had been created via a Support request / via API will now display Date & Time.
‘Date’ properties whose field type can be edited can now be converted to ‘Date and Time.’
Datetime properties will be displayed as Date in the Forms Editor. Datetime properties are not yet supported in the new Forms Editor.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Bump - this still doesn't work for my usecase.
I need to send emails to tickets that are created after-hours tickets. I can't identify hours for a workflow to work. Nor can I have a custom date/time field actually look for times in workflow enrollments. Current properties don't allow this.
I'd love to hear about alternatives I could do.. For instance, I want to send specific emails to (ideal to use a workflow) to tickets coming in between 4:30 pm and 7 pm and separate email and workflow for 7 pm to Midnight.
My goal is to be sure all tickets get EOD acknowledgments of their inquiry/ticket. With people across many timezones from 4:30 central (company base time zone) all tickets before that I expect staff to be sure to respond to.
So if created that day and no first response was sent - it would be sent at 4:30 central and new tickets after that would get an auto message. Then tickets after 7pm through midnight central would get a different message.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Are there any plans to adapt this so that the time element can be lifted and used more widely? My specific use case is with the meetings scheduler, which is already a date and time field, however when used as a personalisation token in emails and text workflows, it only ipcks up the date. Not great when it's a customised reminder about an upcoming appointment, and so frustrating because I know the time is in there!
I've tried setting up a new field, to copy the info from the meetings scheduler, but I can't work out how to copy the date ansd timestamp over to a new field (because when tested the new date and time picker, that DID display the date and time - so it's almost there!)
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
This works well for the actual property but it is still only showing as a date when passed in an email. I'm using a custom datetime field to store a transaction date which I want to include in a transactional email triggered by a workflow and it is only showing the date in the email, although I can see the time in the property as well.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Happy to see this in public beta. My biggest need still needs some more work to actually use this. I need to send emails to specific after-hours tickets. I can't identify "after hours" in workflow enrollments. If I choose a datetime picker as a workflow enrollment trigger -- I would want to choose between specific hours. Current properties don't allow this.
I'd love to hear about alternatives I could do.. For instance, I want to send specific emails to (ideal to use a workflow) to tickets coming in between 4:30 pm and 7 pm and separate email and workflow for 7 pm to Midnight.
My goal is to be sure all tickets get EOD acknowledgments of their inquiry/ticket. With people across many timezones from 4:30 central (company base time zone) all tickets before that I expect staff to be sure to respond to.
So if created that day and no first response was sent - it would be sent at 4:30 central and new tickets after that would get an auto message. Then tickets after 7pm through midnight central would get a different message.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Cool this is in beta!
Its easy to make this new Date and Time property, but its usability is not so great at the moment. If it is in a card view (tested on a ticket pipeline card), it only shows the date part, not the time.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Happy to see this finally happening.
Sorry to see that the time doesn't map over to templates, just the date. It's very important that this datetime field maps the time with AM/PM as well. It's weird that it doesn't.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Thanks for putting this in public beta this is great!
There is one small thing that would be so good though!
In the form embed js There is this line: const s = /^[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/, u = e => Object(r.a)(e) || s.test(e) && i(...e.split("-")) ? null : [o.INVALID_DATE]
It would be so nice if someone could just update the validation to also accept unix timestamp e.g.
1719510000000, and / or the hours and mins unit
(I've tested these out with the form submission api and they are accepted), It would be great if I could manipulate the date fields on form ready so I can set up my own date time field.
Something like this would work const s = /^[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/, s1 = /^\d{4}-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])T([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/, s2 = /^\d{13}$/, u = e =>Object(r.a)(e) || s.test(e) && i(...e.split("-")) || s1.test(e) && i(...e.split("-")) || s2.test(e) && i(...e.split("-")) ? null : [o.INVALID_DATE];
I can ofcourse completely stop the default form submission and use form submission API, but it seem's a nicer solution to just adjust the date field. The form submission API also doesn't have any of the other validations until you submit the data and it fails.
Matthew Scott Head of Development | Hubspot Solutions Architect
B2B marketing agency: Specialist B2B content marketing and demand generation for SaaS vendors and HubSpot Users | Deeply Digital | HubSpot Partner since 2010
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
👋Hi all, I'm Rachel from the HubSpot Product team. An update - we are now in public beta for 'Create Datetime properties in HubSpot,' which allows you to create custom Datetime properties. You can opt into the beta under Product Updates. A few notes:
When viewing and editing this property, a user’s current time zone will be used. This is based on the time zone set on their device.
When filtering with this property, your account’s time zone will be used by default.
Any custom datetime properties that had been created via a Support request / via API will now display Date & Time.
‘Date’ properties whose field type can be edited can now be converted to ‘Date and Time.’
Datetime properties will be displayed as Date in the Forms Editor. Datetime properties are not yet supported in the new Forms Editor.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Nice to see a private beta, but still doesn't update the form fields if you want someone to enter a date and time
Matthew Scott Head of Development | Hubspot Solutions Architect
B2B marketing agency: Specialist B2B content marketing and demand generation for SaaS vendors and HubSpot Users | Deeply Digital | HubSpot Partner since 2010
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
Our team absolutely needs this field type for SO MANY THINGS, particularly on tickets and contacts, but there are use cases for all record types. In our specific case I'd like to be able to workflow timestamp properties for things like when a trial user connects to our software (completes onboarding) so we can measure and improve our setup flows.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
We ultimately ended up creating a drop down with 15 minute blocks using a standardized time formula. In the end, we could pass those values via API to Google calendar and Zoom so it met our needs. A bit annoying to set up, but haven't had any problems since.
Allow creation of datetime field from Contact Property area (not just API).
This is critical for so many of our flows AND reporting. This seems pretty basic, would be happy to have a datetime field with no timezone support even. Are there any updates here?