Hello, as an admin it would be very beneficial to see my entire teams activity feeds.. (Seeing who is opening what emails). Is there a way to see this all in one place?
@Tucker1 when you say you want to see your team's activity feeds, is the "activity feed timeline" report in your HubSpot Reports what you're looking for? I think adding this to a dashobard and then adding the additional filter for "teams" might get you there. I like @MariSuper's questions too. They might have the solution laid out there if those questions spark the right vision for you.
Try creating an ACTIVE LIST (which will update when new criteria happens) for all opened emails. This way you can select properties (column headers) that you need for your analysis. Then you can either download / export this list to CSV file OR create a dashboard report from this list. I hope this helps.
@Tucker1 when you say you want to see your team's activity feeds, is the "activity feed timeline" report in your HubSpot Reports what you're looking for? I think adding this to a dashobard and then adding the additional filter for "teams" might get you there. I like @MariSuper's questions too. They might have the solution laid out there if those questions spark the right vision for you.
I hope you are well. This may seem like a quick, direct question. But it can be more complex depending on long term goals. Best solution is to build out a business plan and build around this. If I were consulting, I would want to know:
WHO: Do you want to see everyone using HubSpot activity? Or just your direct reports?
What team are they on: Are they Operations? Sales? Support? Marketing?
What activities?: You want to track they open emails, where are these emails coming from? Do you want to see how long it takes to open? are you tracking tasks? tasks completed? what day to day work are you looking to view?
WHY: Is this a random check point you are trying to do or is this something you will want to assign KPIs / OKRs with quarterly and yearly goals? Or something else? What is your long term goal for this?
WHAT DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE: Once you plot this out, which HUBS and ADD-ON software do you currently have? Do you have the right properties in place to track?
VIEW: Are you visualizing a dashboard report or a CSV file you can export? <---dashboard might not be possible depending on how much you want.
All in all, I believe everything is possible - if you have the right HUBS, right properties, and the end users have the right training in place to understand how they can keep track on their end.
IF this is a I just want to track if they opened emails, where are these emails coming from? Are these outlook type emails? or marketing emails? Do you want reporting around this?
Hi, @MariSuper . Thank you for following up.. I am looking to see my sales team's "contact -activity feed". The one shown below where you can see certain contacts opening our emails. I am only able to see the people who are opening my emails. However, I would like to see all three of my sales personel's activity feeds in one spot. This way I can keep an eye on what contacts are viewing our content and what content they are viewing. That way I can know we have someone with a pulse on the other end who is actually viewing our emails and might deem them as a "hotter prospect".
Hi @Tucker1 were you able to figure this view out? I am wanting to see the samething. Especially if my team is following up on my initial emails. Is this possible? My activity feed may be blank but for the team it shows their activity on the contact clicks and opens.
Try creating an ACTIVE LIST (which will update when new criteria happens) for all opened emails. This way you can select properties (column headers) that you need for your analysis. Then you can either download / export this list to CSV file OR create a dashboard report from this list. I hope this helps.