In our previous CRM we used tags, which we added to contacts (eg. joined certain webinar etc). In HubSpot we converted those tags into a new property which is Checkboxes (Select multiple options).
It worked well until we started to bulk add new categories to contacts. Doing this removes the previous tags.
Is there an alternative to keep adding tags to contacts, without removing the previous ones?
Could you share which information you're updating? I'm asking because there are different ways to approach this.
For example, workflow allow to set a property value and append instead of replace it. This can be used to copy and append information from a form field property to a "backend" property.
Keep thinking about whether it could settle an issue I have while making and putting together contacts/organizations.
I'm working with different classifications/labels and might want to have sub labels that possibly shows up assuming a specific fundamental tag is applied to a particular contact. Ex. Contact is labeled with "Sports" and this will aneable a predefined rundown of sub labels "Football" " Handball" "Tumbling" and so on. Optional sub tag would likewise be a need, so that "Gymanstics" would open one more sub label list with "Bar" "Trampolin" and so on.
Hi Guy, I am new to hubspot. I want to manually tag some of my contacts to make lists for internal purposes. Eg. I want to tag those I know to be advocates of our brand. Is downloading HubTags the best way to go about this?
Hi there Guy, I'm wondering how to get this subtagging structure using HubTags for a similar setup above. It would be really helpful to separate parent tags from children tags (if that makes sense.) Is this feature live in HubTags currently?
Will do! Spent a long night in HubSpot so retiring for now until morning but eager to start applying HubTags. I'll message you on the site in the AM (even though that's technically already begun)
I am looking for something similar and was wondering if this could work in my. Specific case.
I use LiveWebinar integration to add contacts to Hubspot, but I have to create a new list for each webinar i run, which is a pain. If there was a way to just use tags to save the name of each webinar using the map fields option in LiveWebinar it would save a lot of work.
You are correct that LiveWebinar sends contacts directly to a HubSpot list. This requires that you have a HubSpot list. To keep things organized you probably create a seperate list for each webinar. The process of creating a new HubSpot list for every webinar would get tiresome, I can see that.
This process is controlled and is between LiveWebinar and HubSpot, I'm afraid HubTags cannot effect this. We would have to be integrated directly with LiveWebinar which we are not.
I'm not sure this would be any better than creating a list for each webinar but there appears to be a second option.
Only have one HubSpot list > send all the contacts from your webinars to this one list. To organize the contacts within this list you can create a custom property > name it something like 'Webinars' > you will need to populate this proprety with all your webinar names > the form people fill out when registaring for your webinar will have a drop down and they can select the webinar name.
I don't have a sub tag feature at the moment, but I'am open to learning more and possibly building such a feature. Here is how your filter would look in HubTags at this time (no subtag feature):
With a sub tag feature I would click 'gymnastics' to access a new list of tags where I can add things like bar or trampoline. Is this roughly the idea? The advantage to sub tags is things are more organized, is that right? Would you share with me the all the different ways this is helpful plz.
@karstenkoehler suggestions seem spot on to me. I will just add a few thoughts and also ask how exactly did you 'bulk add new categories'? Depending on this answer there might be a super quick solution that doesn't require any extra products or know-how.
I work on a product called HubTags. This gives you a multiple-select checkbox property. You can bulk add new tags to this proprety without removing any of the existing tags. The tags that you bulk upload can be applied to the desired contacts at the same time. Here is a image our import feature:
Wonder if it might solve an issue I have when creating and organising contacts/companies.
I am working with multiple categories/tags and would like to have sub tags that only appears if a certain main tag is applied to a specific contact. Ex. Contact is tagged with "Sports" and this will aneable a predefined list of sub tags "Football" " Handball" "Gymnastics" etc. Secondary sub tag would also be a need, so that "Gymanstics" would open another sub tag list with "Bar" "Trampolin" etc.
Could you share which information you're updating? I'm asking because there are different ways to approach this.
For example, workflow allow to set a property value and append instead of replace it. This can be used to copy and append information from a form field property to a "backend" property.
Hey Karsten, thanks for mentioning HubTags! It looks like it's closing down. I wonder whether you know of other tag companions? Otherwise I'll give the import link you shared a try.
Much appreciated -- and nice video of your cardboard self at Inbound.