There is no provision to add a trigger where an action is taken if any property value changing. We are looking for an action to take place when property value changes, and not what is the property value because everytime the contact will renroll, it will enroll other contacts as well having same property value, despite no change in those property value recently.
I have a property "Disposition" so I want when this is property move from one action to another, I should be able to send an internal email notification for other user to know that an action has been taken.
Currently, my team member has to manually confirm this to the other user.
What property field type are you using? A less well known fact is that "is known" in conjunction with re-enrolment triggers in a workflow, also works when the value of the property changes.
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My property type is Single dropdown select. I am bit confused on how to use this as trigger point and would be happy to connect with you discuss more so I can actually see if this works and marked as solution.