I want to know how is the top field (wher it currenlty says "This call wasn't recorded") populated? Please let me know of all the various ways we can see that field populated. And how can I populate this through an API call?
Hey @AKumar915, thank you for posting in our Community!
One way this field gets populated is when an agent manually initiates the recording of a call through our interface. When a call is recorded, this field updates to reflect the status accordingly. If automatic call recording is enabled on our system, this field will show "This call was recorded" for all recorded calls. Conversely, if automatic recording is disabled or not configured for certain calls, it will display "This call wasn't recorded."
The field status can also be influenced by specific configurations set within our system. Changes to these settings can result in different messages being displayed in this field.
I also wanted to know about: "The field status can also be influenced by specific configurations set within our system. Changes to these settings can result in different messages being displayed in this field."
Our use case is this: We create a call activity through API when a call event occurs in our system (separate from Hubspot). Now it doesn't look good to see the call activity displaying "The call wasn't recroded" in the Hubspot UI. Can it be turned off or set to null or something?