I created a multiple checkboxes field, where we're allowing folks to select any of the events for the day. The logic works for the options individually. But when "Free Skate" and "VIP Dinner + Game" are selected, neither option shows up. Is there more logic I need to add to the form? A setting I need to turn on? Or is this not possible? Thanks!
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I have Sales Hub Starter, and have a dev environment, where I of course have access to Enterprise features. However, I want to help answer questions and do demo test setups for (potential) clients, who for example are on Sales Hub Pro. How do I set up an environment that mimics the limitations and possibilities of - in this case - Sales Hub Pro, in order to provide valid solutions? Thanks in advance!
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I want to list all the Contacts we have for Companies we are in a particular Deal Stage with, even if those Contacts are not associated with the Deal , and the Contacts need to adhere to a specific criteria, ie Newsletter = Yes. I tried the Lists option for Contacts. I can extract Contacts that are associated to a Deal, but that is not enough. I need to list all the Contacts we have for Companies in a specific Deal stage and then further fi
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Hello, I use Hubspot (to register interactions with leads and clients), Ringover (virtual phone number to call back leads and clients) and Calendly (for leads to book a call from website) I want t o ensure hubspot contact unicity via the phone number (and not via the domain or email as it is set by default) This way I can make sure that when a sync is done and contacts' activity is imported from ringover and calendly to hubspot, dupli
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Hey, I am looking for a way for the sales team to submit issues about the crm within hubspot. I want the to be able to report on company level if they think there is issues with the data. Was wondering if a hubspot form would be the best way to capture this and how to report the data. Basically we are launching a new commission plan for the sales where we track certain revenue KPIs on company level. And if sales think company X should be include
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Microsoft recently announced a new version of Outlook that does not support VSTO add-ins, and with that its intention to move away from the VSTO add-in framework entirely. This announcement naturally impacts the HubSpot Sales VSTO read more
Hi all — I'm still new to HubSpot and want to understand how to set up my email client to log all email to/from a HubSpot Contact. I'm aware of bcc:ing HS using the bcc email for email logging — is there any other way to do this using my e read more
Hi @neilredding ,
If you can get your email client to auto-bcc all outgoing emails, that would work, correct. If not, you would have to do it ...read more
As the Main Super Admin for this account, I am not getting this email to reset 2FA: If you are on a single account with super admins and your email isn't shared across multiple accounts, an email will be sent to one of your super admins to beg read more
Hi @Zealand4 ,
Step 1 here would be to work through the instructions on this page: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/marketing-email/not-receivin...read more
How come when I put my signature as HTML and put it in HubSpot, it says that my headshot image is too large to load? I have tried reducing the file size of the image and that didn't work either. The photo does not display and I reduced the file size read more
Would there be an easy way to have a report of companies where there are contacts that have no phone numbers, versus companies that do? Im running into an issue where the same company appears on both reports if they have one contact without a nu read more
Hi @Shuler ,
I wouldn't solve this in a custom report but with company-lists. Getting this information in a pie chart (companies with all cont...read more