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richtext enabled_features for ai content assistant

Hey everyone, we try to reduce the formating options of richtext editors with the enabled_features, unfortunately it seems there's no option to enable the AI content assistant (at least not from the docs). Any ideas if this is possible or are we out of luck and have to enable all options again to make it available?




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richtext enabled_features for ai content assistant

@paradummy I don't know if this will work, but can you try artificial_intelligence for the option to see if it is valid? not sure if you tried already and thought it would be worth testing to see if the documentation just hasn't been updated.

If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
Colaborador | Partner
Colaborador | Partner

richtext enabled_features for ai content assistant

Hi @Jnix284 
Thanks for the hint, I tried that (and all possible combinations with uppercase and lowercase, dash instead of lowdash etc.) but unfortunately it doesn't work. The cli throws an error that only specific features are allowed:



["block", "font_family", "font_size", "bold", "italic", "underline", "text_color", "background_color", "alignment", "bulleted_list", "numbered_list", "lineheight", "outdent", "indent", "strikethrough", "superscript", "subscript", "code_format", "link", "image", "emoji", "personalize", "cta", "embed", "video", "table", "charmap", "anchor", "hr", "nonbreaking_space", "source_code", "visual_blocks", "colors", "fonts", "indents", "lists", "standard_emphasis", "advanced_emphasis"]



For the fun of it, I added all these but the AI button is still hidden, so it's not connected to another feature. 

Interesting sidenote, there are even two features mentioned in the docs that are not allowed: icon, glyphs

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richtext enabled_features for ai content assistant

@paradummy thanks for testing and closing the loop on this, hopefully it's something that will get added soon. Have you tested whether icon and glyphs work despite not being on the allowed list from the error? I wonder if the error just hasn't been updated or if the docs were updated and it's not actually possible.

If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
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richtext enabled_features for ai content assistant

noting that i tested icon and glyphs and both threw errors 😞


also, i second the need for artificial_intelligence

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