CMS Development

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content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


I am hoping someone can help me with content_by_id not pulling through blog content when an id is used.


I have made a custom module (code below) it loops through pages selected by the marketing team using the page field. For each item in the loop, I use content_by_id to grab the title, featured image and description about the blog. 


This sometimes works and sometimes doesn't - item.blog_pages always gets the id but doesn't get the rest of the content.screen shot of what is seenscreen shot of what is seen


{% set blogs = content_by_id(item.blog_pages) %}
{{item.blog_pages}} -- shows item id fine
{% if blogs.featured_image %}
<div class="three-page-select-img-wrapper">
<img src="{{ blogs.featured_image }}" loading="lazy" class="three-page-select-img" alt="{{ blogs.featured_image_alt_text | escape }}">

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content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Fixed with content by ids function by setting the array with the ids first in short below
{% set array = [] %}
{% do array.append( item.blog_pages ) %}
{% set blogs = content_by_ids(array) %}

@jonchim @dennisedson thanks so much for your help 

View solution in original post

16 Replies 16
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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Fixed with content by ids function by setting the array with the ids first in short below
{% set array = [] %}
{% do array.append( item.blog_pages ) %}
{% set blogs = content_by_ids(array) %}

@jonchim @dennisedson thanks so much for your help 

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content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


@jonchim @dennisedson thanks for having a look, ill give this tutorial a go! fingers crossed

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hey @MGilbert

I'm not enitrely sure, @dennisedson any suggestions on how to add more than 10 posts using the content_by_id function?

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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HubSpot Product Team

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


There is a funtion that accepts an array of page ids content_by_ids that I would suggets exploring.

I  was looking for a resource to demonstrate how to fill an array and I was pleasantly surprised to see that @alyssamwilie has something on her site (and I didn't even know she had a site 😯) that might help.  It is pretty clever!

Did I test it?  No.  🙃  If you try it, let us know how it works out. 

Note that the limit is the amount of calls you can make is 10 and not the amount of posts.  For the content_by_ids, you can fit 100 posts into an array so in theory, you could have up to 1000posts. 

Happy hunting 😀

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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


@jonchim Hi thanks for sending me that, it does seem to be that it only doesn't work after the 10th one. Any suggestions on what I could do instead - I would add pagination but I don't want multiple pages. 


Thanks so much for looking at it

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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


@jonchim you should be able to download it from here 

Also here is a list of the fields you might need - some are shown/taken away depending on if the user selects manual or automatic content

Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 15.33.34.png

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Thank you for providing this @MGilbert! i'll take a look and see what i can find!

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hey @MGilbert

So i just came across this

It looks like this function has a limit of 10 calls per page, which may explain why you can't see anything be pulled after the 10th blog post on your listing page.

Can you confirm and test that by making the blog that wasn't displaying and make that the 10th post and see if it shows up?


Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hey @MGilbert,

No problem! yeah that is very odd, thank you for sharing the video context. If you're able to package the module I can take a closer look. I tried using the module code but the missing css/js/module fields may help me troubleshoot further.

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hi @jonchim thanks for having a look, that weird div you found it just link text which I've added default text now, no all the sections do not need to be filled out to work. However, I have seen some odd behaviour - When I edit a field in the editor the page refreshes and gets all the content and when I save it disappears again - I've added a video showing this here - Would you like me to zip up the module code for you and send it to you? 

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hey @MGilbert, it's hard to pinpoint where exactly the code is breaking but I noticed that the blogs that break don't have links compared to the blogs towards the top? Are they all using the same module? And do all the fields need to be filled out in order to display properly? I can see a weird div inside of a link not sure if that's causing it to break. Since i'm not a user on your portal i'm unable to view the custom module, but happy to take this offline to take a closer look.

Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 11.26.48 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-03-26 at 11.29.08 AM.png

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Thank you @MGilbert for sending this over, do you happen to have a link to a live URL where this module is being used?

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Contributor | Platinum Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


hi @jonchim link here 

<div class="three-page-select padding-top--{{ module.padding_top }} padding-bottom--{{ module.padding_bottom }}">
<div class="container {% if module.narrowed_container %} narrowed_container {% endif %}">
<h3 class="heading">
<div class="heading_icon">
{% if module.heading_icon.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ module.heading_icon.width }}" height="{{ module.heading_icon.height }}"' %}
{% if module.heading_icon.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif module.heading_icon.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="100%" height="auto" style="max-width: {{ module.heading_icon.max_width }}px; max-height: {{ module.heading_icon.max_height }}px"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = module.heading_icon.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ module.heading_icon.loading }}"' : '' %}
<img src="{{ module.heading_icon.src }}" alt="{{ module.heading_icon.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}
{% inline_text field="section_heading" value="{{ module.section_heading }}" %}

<div class="three-page-select-list {% if module.landscape_design %} landscape {% endif %}">
{% for item in module.pages_select %}
<div class="three-page-select-list__item">
{% if item.choice_field == 'manual' %}
{% if item.image_field.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.image_field.width }}" height="{{ item.image_field.height }}"' %}
{% if item.image_field.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif item.image_field.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="100%" height="auto" style="max-width: {{ item.image_field.max_width }}px; max-height: {{ item.image_field.max_height }}px"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = item.image_field.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ item.image_field.loading }}"' : '' %}
<div class="three-page-select-img-wrapper">
<img class="three-page-select-img" src="{{ item.image_field.src }}" alt="{{ item.image_field.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}

<div class="content">
<div class="content-text"> {% inline_rich_text field="richtext_field" value="{{ item.richtext_field }}" %} </div>
{% set href = item.link_field.url.href %}
{% if item.link_field.url.type is equalto "EMAIL_ADDRESS" %}
{% set href = "mailto:" + href %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.date_field %}
<div class="calander-section">
<svg xmlns="" width="18.24" height="20.031" viewBox="0 0 18.24 20.031">
<path id="np_event_1532677_000000" d="M28.041,16.781h-3.5V15.1H23.424v1.679H14.918V15.1H13.8v1.679H10.3V34.633h17.74ZM13.8,17.9v1.679h1.119V17.9h8.506v1.679h1.119V17.9h2.378v3.665H11.42V17.9ZM11.42,33.514V22.685h15.5V33.514Z" transform="translate(-10.051 -14.852)" fill="#313131" stroke="#313131" stroke-width="0.5"/>
{{ datetimeformat(item.date_field, '%d/%m/%Y') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="read-more-container">
{% if item.link_icon_item.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.link_icon_item.width }}" height="{{ item.link_icon_item.height }}"' %}
{% if item.link_icon_item.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif item.link_icon_item.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="100%" height="auto" style="max-width: {{ item.link_icon_item.max_width }}px; max-height: {{ item.link_icon_item.max_height }}px"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = item.link_icon_item.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ item.link_icon_item.loading }}"' : '' %}
<img src="{{ item.link_icon_item.src }}" alt="{{ item.link_icon_item.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}
{% set rel = [] %}
{% if item.link_field.no_follow %}
{% do rel.append("nofollow") %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.link_field.open_in_new_tab %}
{% do rel.append("noopener") %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ href }}"
{% if item.link_field.open_in_new_tab %}target="_blank"{% endif %}
{% if rel %}rel="{{ rel|join(" ") }}"{% endif %}
{% inline_text field="button_link_text" value="{{ item.button_link_text }}" %}

{% else %}
{% set blogs = content_by_id(item.blog_pages) %}
{% if blogs.featured_image %}
<div class="three-page-select-img-wrapper">
<img src="{{ blogs.featured_image }}" loading="lazy" class="three-page-select-img" alt="{{ blogs.featured_image_alt_text | escape }}">
{% else %}
<img src="{{item.image_field.src}}" >
{% endif %}

<div class="content">
<p> {{blogs.meta_description}}</p>
{% if item.date_field %}
<div class="calander-section">
<svg xmlns="" width="18.24" height="20.031" viewBox="0 0 18.24 20.031">
<path id="np_event_1532677_000000" d="M28.041,16.781h-3.5V15.1H23.424v1.679H14.918V15.1H13.8v1.679H10.3V34.633h17.74ZM13.8,17.9v1.679h1.119V17.9h8.506v1.679h1.119V17.9h2.378v3.665H11.42V17.9ZM11.42,33.514V22.685h15.5V33.514Z" transform="translate(-10.051 -14.852)" fill="#313131" stroke="#313131" stroke-width="0.5"/>
{{ datetimeformat(item.date_field, '%d/%m/%Y') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="read-more-container">
{% if item.link_icon_item.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.link_icon_item.width }}" height="{{ item.link_icon_item.height }}"' %}
{% if item.link_icon_item.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif item.link_icon_item.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="100%" height="auto" style="max-width: {{ item.link_icon_item.max_width }}px; max-height: {{ item.link_icon_item.max_height }}px"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = item.link_icon_item.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ item.link_icon_item.loading }}"' : '' %}
<img src="{{ item.link_icon_item.src }}" alt="{{ item.link_icon_item.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}
<a class="read-more" href="{{blogs.absolute_url}}" class="three-page-select-list__item">
{% inline_text field="button_link_text" value="{{ item.button_link_text }}" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hey @MGilbert,

Happy to take a look! Do you mind sending a link so we can take a look? or the rest of the module code? 

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

content_by_id not pulling through blog content when a id is used.


Hi @MGilbert 

Adding @jonchim to this one to get a lil help