I am building a blog on HS (main site is not hosted on HS just yet) and the template has links in the header that I want to remove. https://blog.betterunite.com/blog How do I get rid of those placehoder links and menus?
Hi @JLerner ,
it's the default menu items which can be removed only by selecting a different menu (from the dropdown in the menu module).
My r...read more
We have used different functions as follows:
All these by always module choice options on different locations on a webpage using sectio read more
I have a landing page made with a template module as the following - made for a webinar with speakes. How can I change the speakers lines manually so that the name of the speaker will be one line, the title on the second line and the organization n read more
Hi @ESchlangerLev ,
it's hard to say what's in the "Speaker designation" element. But if you want to have everything seperated you could add a fe...read more
Hey guys Trying to query a options property where one of the options has special characters like the image bellow The query is {% set test_event = crm_objects("custom_object",'limit=100&property_type__contains=Land Developme read more
Much thanks for your quick response, I removed the character "&" from the property value (so the property option is now "Land Development" inste...read more
Hi, do you have any idea on how to implement PartyTown to a HubSpot theme? Specifically, I am stuck at the steps where PartyTown requires the files to live in the /~partytown/ folder but HubSpot requires get_assets_url() function to locate read more
Hi @WShek , I'm not familiar with PartyTown but based on their documentation seems like the only thing you need to do is add the script inside your ...read more
I am trying to create a simple menu just use the system nothing fancy I have created my navigation but all the menu object names end up lumped together? why are there no spaces between them? There are no settings for this? I shouldnt have to code th read more
Hi @KAlfredsson ,
you'll need to apply some CSS rules.
If you're just getting started, maybe with your own theme, a code like this should give ...read more
Hi I'm looking for advice on creating a landing page that pulls information from form submissions. I've already created lists based on the location field from the forms. My goal is to send a link to the landing page to specific people, such as t read more
Hi I have two forms collecting locations - one formcollected from x group who will be in a certain area, for example Manchester, I want to give ...read more
We have a custom workflow action that assigns a return variable, owner_id (string) we're trying to use later on in a workflow to assign the Contact Owner property. However, when editing the "Edit Record" workflow action, + Add data variable, Action read more
@jskowronek - I believe you will find that 'owner' properties behave like ennumeratd types and so will not be compatibel with th string type output...read more
Does Hubspot's development environment support libraries for creating PDF's. for instance reportlab for python (doesnt seem to be the case). or NODE.js maybe? thank you
Hi @karien ,
I've played around with PDF creatopm libraries a few years ago. I'd say it depends on where and "what kind of" PDFs you'd like to cr...read more
Newbie having trouble here. My overall problem is that Class and ID attributes are not available on most elements in HS. (Insert rant here) My solution is to create a new section that has class and id attributes available to the user to edit. I h read more
Hi @JLarry5001 , Sections don't support IDs/classes. Two workarounds you can try: Develop section-as-module with custom ID and class fields. ...read more
Hi, Is there a way to loop thorugh HUbDB rows in reverse order, for a "show the top at the top" listing? I think this old soution isn't working. Solved: HubSpot Community - Loop hubdb table rows in reverse order - HubSpot Community Tha read more
Hi all we are planning to re-launch our site with a new theme. The site has multi-language variants for each page and we'll be wanting to use the staging environment. I'm aware that staging cannot support language variants directly. Can read more