Our blog listing page is pulling in images and videos from the post itself in the description. This is creating duplicate photos and clunkiness on our listing page. Is there a Hubl function to only pull the text into the blog snippet + is ther read more
Sounds like you may not be using the "read more" seperator in your blog that distinguishes beween the opening paragraph and the main blog content bod...read more
Hi everyone, I’m working on a HubSpot blog and trying to display the publish date instead of the updated date on the blog listing page. While I was able to update individual blog posts successfully, I’m still encountering issues on the listing read more
Hi everyone, I just wanted to update you and let you know that I solved the date display problem! I simply tried removing the blog list blocker fr...read more
Would there be a way to edit the blog listing page source code to add a conditional to see if the URL is a "tag" or a "author" and remove the featured images from those listing pages? "<div class="post-item"> {% if not simple_list_page %} read more
Based on the code you shared, to hide the featured image in tag or author listing, you can wrap the conditional featured image code:
{% if con...read more
Aloha! I'm having an issue with loading images on the landing page. We want to use about 20 images to show on the page. But only 10 images are displayed, the rest of the images are broken. (Attached) Here is the custom code we used to get the read more
Hi @MDien ,
The issue seems to be related to the code or the data source used for rendering the images on the landing page. Based on the provided...read more
Hello Community! I am currently working on a theme development project and would like to inquire about the possibility of using ShadCN UI [ https://ui.shadcn.com ] for HubSpot theme development. Specifically, I am looking to understand whethe read more
Hey @Mmempeno ,
while you can use almost any UI library that is out there, let's say it like this:
You can build themes with react/vue/diff...read more
Hi HubSpot Community, I have a cake website currently built on WordPress, but I’m planning to migrate it to HubSpot. Right now, the site looks more like an eCommerce store with direct product listings. However, I realize that before customers mak read more
Hi there, Is there a way I can turn off the keyboard shortcut ("/") that has been enabled to access the Breeze copilot? Like many developers, I use the CTRL+/ or CMD+/ shortcut to quickly comment out code. With this new behavior, every time I com read more
Hi I am creating a resource listing with filters. I am calling from a HubDb and am having trouble with a for loop with displying topics for each listing. If the item is tagged with one topic it shows in the filter dropdown. If another item has the read more
Hi Ernesto @ GiantFocal Thank you for your reply. The code has seperated out the topics in the dropdown. When I check one of the options in...read more
Hi I am trying to call Hubspot database items into a custom module using a HubDb row field. I can call text and images that are stored in the database but not multi select items. The field looks like this: Titles can be called using: {{ read more
Hi @Woodsy , Multi-select field return arrays; you can use a for loop to display the values. You can replace your {{ item.resource.columns....read more
Hello, HubSpot Developer Community! I’m experiencing an issue with our website, onsigroup .com . On mobile devices, the "Compliance Training Courses" menu tab doesn’t display all of its items. Specifically, the "Events" and its sub-menu item read more
Hi @alexarios , It appears that the theme you are using does not support the mega menu on the mobile version. Instead, it hides the mega menu an...read more
Hi, I want to set Custom Cookie Variable with it's value and expire date. My main goal is to set Cookie variable is depend upon the login user, Once the user is log into website the cookie variable at user's browser is set with email address an read more
Hi @GRajput Thanks for your response, I tried the same code but it was not working, unable to set cookie value at user's browser. Can you pleas...read more
Hello guys! How are you? I have the next carrousel module at the home poge of my website ( https://driv.in/ ). It works pretty well at the home. I'm working over to use it over the next URL: ( https://driv.in/industrias/opl ) that using the read more
Hi @DEsteva
The carousel is working on your homepage because the styling CDN and script CDN are included there. However, on the second page...read more