CMS Development


Webinar module/HubDB: Best way to display video recording after form submit?


Hi all!


Here's a short summary of my webinars project, which consists of a module and a page template:



  • Webinars Module (webinars listing):

    • Webinar List Display: Lists webinars from a HubDB table, sorted by date, categorizing them as upcoming or on-demand depending on current date vs webinar date. It includes images, titles, dates, descriptions, categories, and appropriate call-to-action buttons.

    • Featured Webinar Display: Shows a highlighted webinar with an image, date, duration, and status (either "Upcoming" or "On-demand"). Depending on the status, users see options to "Register" or "Watch."

  • Webinars Page Template:

    • Individual Webinar Display: If accessed through a dynamic page using the webinar's HubDB entry, the page shows detailed information for that specific webinar, including the description, key takeaways, speakers, and forms for registration or viewing on-demand.
      If viewing on demand: When the on-demand form is submitted, it performs a redirect to the webinar recording (response_redirect_id = {{ dynamic_page_hubdb_row.recording }}. The webinar recording process is currently completely manual and is essentially a landing page with the video and some info about the webinar and "learn more"-CTAS. The URL to the webinar recording LP is added to the HubDB row

    • Webinar listing (module): If not viewing a specific webinar, the template displays a section with the default webinars list module.


To the problem:


What is the best way to manage the webinar recording and have it show up automatically after a form submission? 


The way it's handled currently is not scalable and it's very time-consuming.


The perfect solution, in broad terms, would be to have the video display/popup on the same page as the single webinar view, rather than having a redirect in place. With the video file (mp4) simply added in a column in the HubDB table.


I could redirect the user directly to the URL of the recording, but I need it to be on a page with information on where to read more about the topic or connect with the speakaers, etc, so that's not an option currently.


What do you guys think? JavaScript and "onFormSubmitted" in some way? Another HubDB table to the webinar recordings and associated information? 


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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite

Webinar module/HubDB: Best way to display video recording after form submit?


Hi @JTapper ,


In this case, I would store the video in the same HubDB and create another page that uses the same HubDB table as a data source. So for example, you could have the following structure: > overview using HubDB as data source > detail page using HubDB as data source > new detail page using same HubDB as data source

That way, you can leverage the same content and use practically the same template, however, the page with /view-webinar/ would also display the video of that webinar.

Another approach would be to use the onFormSubmitted event to display the video, as you suggested.  However, you would also need to build something that checks if the user has submitted the form already in case of a page refresh. So I would personally go for the first suggestion.

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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite

Webinar module/HubDB: Best way to display video recording after form submit?


Hi @JTapper ,


In this case, I would store the video in the same HubDB and create another page that uses the same HubDB table as a data source. So for example, you could have the following structure: > overview using HubDB as data source > detail page using HubDB as data source > new detail page using same HubDB as data source

That way, you can leverage the same content and use practically the same template, however, the page with /view-webinar/ would also display the video of that webinar.

Another approach would be to use the onFormSubmitted event to display the video, as you suggested.  However, you would also need to build something that checks if the user has submitted the form already in case of a page refresh. So I would personally go for the first suggestion.

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Webinar module/HubDB: Best way to display video recording after form submit?


Hi Teun! That's such a good solution, thank you!