CMS Development


Using web components for asset development


Hello everyone, I'm working on a theme that I'll list in the hubspot marketplace in the future, but I still have a question, can I use my web components library that I created myself, which is on a cdn of its own in my theme or is this not allowed?

2 Akzeptierte Lösungen

Using web components for asset development


Hello @_aureliocampos, is your components library created for HubSpot (using HubL, the correct module format, etc)? 
I don't think you can import some modules in a different format and use them in your theme, you will need to somehow adapt them to HubSpot.

But if you already have them created somewhere else, I believe moving them to HubSpot and addapting them won't be a big issue for you 🙂

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Using web components for asset development


@_aureliocampos happy to hear it works great! Regarding the use of your library into a theme, I guess only someone from HubSpot can reply to this (maybe it's better to contact them via email) but I guess if it's fully developed by you then it should be fine 🙂

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4 Antworten

Using web components for asset development


Hello @_aureliocampos, is your components library created for HubSpot (using HubL, the correct module format, etc)? 
I don't think you can import some modules in a different format and use them in your theme, you will need to somehow adapt them to HubSpot.

But if you already have them created somewhere else, I believe moving them to HubSpot and addapting them won't be a big issue for you 🙂

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Using web components for asset development


Thanks for the answer @albertsg.
It's a library made with lit, actually it's more of a design system than a library of its own, and as it's used as HTML, I've already tested it and it works very well on hubspot, I just want to make sure that it's possible to use -there as part of my theme that I intend to list in the marketplace


Using web components for asset development


@_aureliocampos happy to hear it works great! Regarding the use of your library into a theme, I guess only someone from HubSpot can reply to this (maybe it's better to contact them via email) but I guess if it's fully developed by you then it should be fine 🙂

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Using web components for asset development


Thank you so much for the clarification @albertsg.
Yes, fully developed by me
But I will follow your advice and make contact by email.