CMS Development


Using a variable inside range()


Hi all,


I'm trying to create a custom module which enables me to use an editable text field to modify a variable to use in an options variable in order to make repeatable blocks.


I have a text field named widget.repeats which has a default value of 5, but could be anything. I'm storing this by using this variable:


{% set repeats = widget.repeats %}

Next I have another variable which I'm going to use to loop through:


{% set my_options = range(1, repeats) %} // Not working, should output range(1, 5)
{% set my_options = range(1, {{repeats}}) %} // Not working, should output range(1, 5)

However these variables throw an error. How am I supposed to make this work? When I get this to work I could do something like:


{% for options in my_options %}
{% if loop.index <= widget.repeats %}
// Repeat this {% endif %} {% endfor %}

 Thanks in advance!

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Using a variable inside range()




I didn't have an issue getting this to work:

{% set test2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,0] %}
{% set test3 = 9 %}
{% set range1 = range(2, test3, 2) %}
{% for items in range1 %}
{% endfor %}

I used test3 to simulate a choice from my test2 list. I set test3 as the stop for the range the for loop started at position 2, stopped at position 9, and stepped by 2 positions.


Your issue is most likely that because you are using a text input to capture the desired number, the number is coming in as string not an int. filter it as an int:

{% text "my_text" value='25', export_to_template_context=True %} 
{{ widget_data.my_text.value|int + 28 }}

equals 53

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Using a variable inside range()




I didn't have an issue getting this to work:

{% set test2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,0] %}
{% set test3 = 9 %}
{% set range1 = range(2, test3, 2) %}
{% for items in range1 %}
{% endfor %}

I used test3 to simulate a choice from my test2 list. I set test3 as the stop for the range the for loop started at position 2, stopped at position 9, and stepped by 2 positions.


Your issue is most likely that because you are using a text input to capture the desired number, the number is coming in as string not an int. filter it as an int:

{% text "my_text" value='25', export_to_template_context=True %} 
{{ widget_data.my_text.value|int + 28 }}

equals 53


Using a variable inside range()


Adding the int filter did the trick. Big thanks!

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