CMS Development


Using Personalization Tokens in Programmable Email Module Breaks Personalization in Email

So I came across what I think is a bug.

With the new programmable email modules, you can now create loops and interact with contact properties prior to sending the email, which is great! I've been able to successfully manipuate contact fields using contact.property_name with filters and loops. However, when properties are passed in via a variable, it seems to break all personalization in an email with the module (example below).


The following works


{% set customDic = contact.personalization_property|split(",") %}
{% for item in customDic %}
Ticket number {{ item }}: <a href="{{ item }}">Click Here</a><br>
{% endfor %}



However, when you do it this way, it breaks

{% for property in module.list_of_properties %}
{{ property.property_label }}: {% if property.adjust_datetime %}{{ property.property_field|datetimeformat(property.datetime_formatting) }}{% else %}{{ property.date_field }}{% endif %}<br>
{% endfor %}


Where module.list_of_properties is a loop group including

Var NameExample ValueType
property_labelDate of OpenText
property_field{{ contact.personalization_property }}Text
datetime_formatting'%B %e, %Y'Text


Can anyone else replicate this issue?

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Using Personalization Tokens in Programmable Email Module Breaks Personalization in Email

Hi, @MGoswick2 👋 Thanks for including all those details. Hey @Mark_Ryba @alyssamwilie @BarryGrennan have you experience anything similar to what @MGoswick2 is describing?


Thank you for taking a look! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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