Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Note: The purpose of this post is to share lessons learned about setting up a reverse proxy with HubSpot CMS Enterprise. If you have experience, we invite you to share on this thread!
HubSpot CMS Enterprise allows for content to be served through a reverse proxy. This implementation requires significant technical know-how and while possible, is not a recommended standard implementation.
While not a recommended setup due to the trade-offs and technical expertise required, there are some use cases where setting up a reverse proxy makes sense and is technically supported by HubSpot CMS Enterprise. The primary use case for implementing a reverse proxy with the HubSpot CMS acting as a content source is when a website serves a web application from the same domain as the marketing website. For example, if you offer a web application at www.domain.com/login and also host a marketing content site at www.domain.com, a reverse proxy can route traffic to your web application servers on certain subdirectory paths, and to HubSpot CMS on other subdirectory paths.
HubSpot’s Professional Service’s Technical Consultants have aided customers in this implementation and hope to pass along a few lessons, including a sample nginx server configuration sample. (Note: HubSpot Services teams cannot provide recommendations on the ‘external to HubSpot’ aspects of this setup and we are sharing this information to document this publicly for others to learn from. Usage and implementation is your responsibility). If you do need guidance on the HubSpot setup, we can work on a project with you - just reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Sales representative.
Lesson One: The domain in your HubSpot Domain Manager should match the domain being requested/served through your reverse proxy.
However, you do not need to directly connect / update your DNS settings to connect this domain to HubSpot’s servers. Instead, when a domain is securely served on an existing content host, HubSpot provides a TXT and CNAME record to add to your DNS that verifies domain ownership and pre-provisions an SSL certificate in the background. When implementing your reverse proxy, remember that the origin connection is a HubSpot CNAME and the Host and X-HS-Public-Host headers match the "added to HubSpot but not directly connected" HubSpot domain where content will be served from. The Host domain is added to HubSpot Domains so that the HubSpot systems are ‘aware’ of the domain, but that domain is never directly pointed to HubSpot in your DNS zone file.
Lesson Two: There are multiple ways to setup a reverse proxy server. Regardless of the approach, the implementation should always be in a load balanced environment so that traffic from your proxy rotates requests to the HubSpot CNAME origin from multiple IP addresses.
The two primary ways seen in our experience are using a managed CDN (like Amazon Web Services Cloudfront) or with a custom nginx webserver deployed on load balanced cloud infrastructure (such as Amazon Web Services EC2/ELB or Microsoft Azure). (Note: Due to HubSpot utilizing Cloudflare as it’s CDN, Cloudflare cannot be used in this setup).
Lesson Three: When working with nginx, there are several headers and settings required to route traffic in an expected fashion. Below is a sample nginx location configuration file. Note: this is not guaranteed to work, and is a sample starting point. This is also a snippet of the entire configuration, highlighting location routing settings. Due to the SNI (Server Name Indication) connection process that establishes a secure connection between your proxy and HubSpot’s servers, the proxy connection and content host domain are different (one is a HubSpot provided CNAME and one is the domain the content should be served from and is added to the HubSpot Domain Manager). To enable this in your nginx proxy, ensure that you include two important settings. These instruct nginx to send the server domain name with the SNI SSL connection handshake since the origin domain is different from the Host.
Here are two location paths that set each of the required and recommended settings in an nginx configuration file. Inspect each included value and what needs to be customized for your implementation. We encourage you to review the nginx documentation for settings such as securing upstream traffic, proxy_ssl and $proxy_protocol_addr
We hope this is helpful for any HubSpot customers who are interested in setting up a reverse proxy with HubSpot CMS. HubSpot Technical Consulting services can help provide guidance on the HubSpot components of this setup. If interested, please reach out to your main HubSpot point of contact or reach out via the form on this page.
If you have other advice or lessons learned with a reverse proxy setup with HubSpot, please share them for the community to benefit from!
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
I'm looking for support on getting location-personalized content to work with a reverse proxy. We've had a reverse proxy set up for HubSpot for a while, but location-based content is not working correctly. We include the X-HubSpot-Trust-Forwarded-For: true header, and looking at the /_hcms/diagnostics page for our hosted page, the Effective IP is the desired client IP for location-based content.
These are the diagnostics results; I've redacted some of the information.
Current time: 2025-02-19T20:51:57.398Z
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Encoding: gzip, br
Cookie: <not present>
Protocol: https
X-Client-IP: <not present>
True-Client-IP:{NAT gateway IP}
X-Real-IP: {NAT gateway IP}
X-Forwarded-For:, ...other IPs,{NAT gateway IP}
X-HubSpot-Trust-Forwarded-For: true
x-hs-public-host: <not present>
Edge-Determined Country: US
Edge-Determined Device Type: desktop
Effective IP:
Effective IP Source: X-Forwarded-For
IP-Determined Country: de
IP-Determined Region: hamburg
IP-Determined City: hamburg
IP-Determined Organization: artfiles new media
Host: ***.com
X-Forwarded-Host: ***.com
Despite the Effective IP and IP-Determined Country displaying correctly, location-based features are still not working. I see the Edge-Determined Country is still US like our gateway address. Could this be the source of the contents' determined country?
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Is the `X-HS-Public-Host` header case sensitive? My domains keep saying they are disconnected from Hubspot, even though Hubspot is serving content from those domains. My users are unable to add content to the affected domains.
The only way my configuration differs from the docs, and from suggestions in this post, is that my `X-HS-Public-Host` header is all lower case. Cloudfront functions and Lamda edge functions, both result in a lower-case `x-hs-public-host` header.
I am trying out to setup reverse proxy between hubspot enterprise sandbox + nginx reverse proxy.
so our main domain is `example.com` and we are want to use link our subdomain to hubspot, let say it is `www.cms.example.com `. I have setup our nginx config like this
I am trying to figure out what I missed and I hope someone can leave hints or guides on what should I do to get more info and pinpoint what is going on
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
There is a new domain connection process in HubSpot to better indicate the steps necessary when adding a domain to the HubSpot domains tool for use in a reverse proxy. I'll include several screenshots in this post and also a follow up reply that shows steps in Route 53 (AWS DNS service). I've also added several steps and notes in this reply post that show many of the necessary AWS Cloudfront steps
Connect a domain in HubSpot.
You likely want to pick the option to 'connect a secondary domain". Also, DESELECT the option for "Connect with HubSpot's built-in content delivery network"
Add the domain that will be the LIVE domain for the content. This domain is likely already live with content. You are NOT updating your DNS to point your A record or CNAME at HubSpot. Instead, in this step, you're telling HubSpot the domain to expect traffic from, so HubSpot can provision an SSL Cert, verify you own the domain and add it into the system to know how to serve content for the traffic .
No major changes needed on this screen, you can likely just click through Note: my screenshots are showing a subdomain (rp.mulligandevelopment.io), you can also use a root domain (i.e. domain.com; or in my example mulligandevelopment.io) if that's what you've connected in the previous step.
No changes here, click on through
This is the MOST IMPORTANT step: HubSpot provides you 2 DNS records. Go to your DNS provider and create 2 records: a TXT and a CNAME. These are used for domain validation and provisioning of a certificate. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! REPEAT: DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP
In your DNS, add TXT and CNAME records. I'm using AWS Route 53 DNS. The values are provided to you by HubSpot in the previous step.
Verify the domain connection in HubSpot. (Don't have a screenshot of this step, you can also leave this step). Depending on the state of your proxy, you may need to have a proxy behavior setup to route traffic to your domain. You may also want to skip this step and jump to steps 9 & 10 Note: it can take several minutes (and I believe up to a few hours) to have a certificate provisioned after you have added the DNS validation records.
Navigate back to the HubSpot domains screen and click "Actions" for the domain that you just added. Choose to "Set as Ready for Publishing". The purpose of this step is to allow you to publish content in the HubSpot content tools even though the domain isn't actually connected to HubSpot, but that WILL be the domain that your user is requesting content on (i.e. Your visitor navigates to domain.com/page, where domain.com is connected to your CDN. Your CDN proxies the request to an origin based on your behavioral rules. HubSpot finds a page on the exact domain and path as requested by the user. This is a non-intuitive step to many folks who are setting up proxies, which is why I'm going into this detail)
Now, to test, create and publish a web page in HubSpot CMS that uses the domain you just added to the domain manager (and validated but did not connect to HubSpot) (my post below shows this)
For some use cases, (such as moving a blog from a HubSpot subdomain to your proxied domain, you may also need to update your HubSpot blog to be located on this new domain (do this with caution! I recommend testing with a test blog and a test subdirectory/subdomain first to ensure the connection works properly).
Contact HubSpot Support and ask about how to move a blog from one domain to another domain. Note: Reverse proxy setups are not supported by HubSpot Support, but they should be able to provide some instructions for moving content from one domain to another domain)
In your CDN, update to include a new origin and behaviors as described in this documentation that points at the appropriate HubSpot CNAME. Remember that the domain of your CDN (that your visitor is navigating to) should be the EXACT same domain that you added to the HubSpot domains tool and that you also published content on in the HubSpot CMS
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Regarding step 6, domain validation, what happens if a CNAME record cannot be added because it is already in use? We had our domain validated by Hubspot via HTTP challenge and now in the reverse proxy verification we get that it fails checking Delegated Domain Control Validation (DCVs). We received also a message saying that the reverse proxy would stop working unless we fix that.
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
@aitortomas - the domain validation steps provide a CNAME and TXT record that are not used for serving content and are in place for a one time (and potentially on-going) validation check. The CNAME you need to update is for the subdomain _acme-challenge.[subdomain] - you may already have an entry for this in your DNS zone, but all you need to do is update the CNAME value to a new record. You're not adding/altering the subdomain and CNAME of the actual content hosting domain (that is connected to your proxy).
Navigate to the HubSpot domains tool & find your proxied domain
Select Actions > Show DNS Records
Copy subdomain & CNAME value, add/edit those values in your DNS zone
After propagation, navigate back to HubSpot domains and 'verify reverse proxy connection'
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
@robertainslie we already have the CNAME pointing to Fastly for the subdomain (www) as the subdomain is not only for the marketing pages. We already set up the reverse proxy and have some pages live in Hubspot in that www subdomain but with the recent changes, the subdomain validation that was done via HTTP challenge with Hubspot tech support is no longer valid it seems. Maybe I am missing something (quite probably) but I believe it is not possible to have multiple CNAME pointing to Fastly and Cloudflare.
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Hey @aitortomas , Yea - I think the misunderstanding is that the CNAME update that is required is for the DCV not for the traffic routing and is not asking you to update where your proxy is pointing.
What does not need to change:
Your www points to your proxy server or CDN (Fastly)
Fastly routes traffic to multiple origins, one of those origins is a CNAME record like {hubID}.sites-proxy.hscoscdn40.net - this actually hosts the content
What does need to change:
In the past, to prove domain ownership you could have followed an HTTP challenge or you could have updated your DNS with a TXT record that looked like Record: "cf-custom-hostname.mulligandevelopment.io" Value: "655f6c48-bd6a-4d2f-88a2-d5c4ef5070d7" as well as a CNAME like Record host: _ca3-0bf93ffdd5b24db6b793475620821cb3.tc; Value: dcv.digicert.com.
Now, you need to create a NEW DNS CNAME record to control the DCV process that will look like this: Record host: _acme-challenge.rp Value: rp.robertpainslie.com.07e5b8acaef7b01e.dcv.cloudflare.com
You very likely do not already have a CNAME record at the host of this new "acme_challenge" host and if you DO, then you can update the value to be this new CNAME host pointing at the cloudflare.com value.
The values are provided to you
Once you've added the DNS record for the "acme_challenge" CNAME, then you run the verification in HubSpot.
Does that help clear things up? Feel free to DM me any screenshots of your setup if things aren't clear. Also, if you provide your HubID I may be able to take a look at your Domains Manager and confirm what records you need. Also - this should be a process that HubSpot Support can help you with identify the right records in order to prove DCV ownership for your domain - open up a chat/email or call with them. They won't be able to help with your proxy itself, but if you highlight that you need to understand what DNS records are needed to prove domain ownership, they should be able to help with that.
Here's a sample of behaviors - yours will likely be more complicated than that. You likely need to create several behavioral rules to proxy the following subpaths (noted in the actual documentation): /_hcms/*, /hs/*, /hubfs/*, /hs-fs/*, /cs/c/*, and /e3t/*.
When testing, create a sample webpage in HubSpot that is hosted on the domain you want to proxy:
If you're moving a blog from blog.domain.com to domain.com/blog (which is proxied), you will need to update your HubSpot blog settings to point to this new domain - DO THIS WITH CAUTION! TEST FIRST WITH A TEST BLOG!
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
We are struggling with this part:
" Instead, when a domain is securely served on an existing content host, HubSpot provides a TXT and CNAME record to add to your DNS".
Whenever we register our domain which is already in use and provisioned with a SSL certificate, we do not get a TXT and a CNAME record, we get two TXT records from Hubspot and one of them is an ACME challenge (_acme-challenge.www) and the other one is a custom hostname (_cf-custom-hostname.www).
Why could it be that that it does not provide a CNAME record?
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
@aitortomas - this might be due to how you initially connected the domain - not sure. I would contact HubSpot Support for this and tell them that you're looking for the TXT & CNAME for updating your reverse proxy domain configuration. They may initially state that help with reverse proxy is not supported by HubSpot Support (which is true for a full setup, however getting CNAME & TXT records to validate is something they should be able to help with, though they may need to get back to you about it).
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Hallo ,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently in the process of reverse proxying a subdomain (client-domain-portal.rexx-systems.com) to another domain (client-domain.com) and have encountered some difficulties that I hope you can assist me with.
For clarity: - I have used "client-domain-portal" as a placeholder for the actual subdomain name in this context.
- rexx-systems.com is a job portal and is an third party service provider. client-domain.com uses its services.
Our primary domain, client-domain.com, is hosted on HubSpot. The challenge arises when I attempt to reverse proxy from "client-domain-portal.rexx-systems.com" to the HubSpot-hosted domain, as these two domains are distinct. My initial assumption was that it might not be feasible to reverse proxy "client-domain-portal.rexx-systems.com" to a subdomain of "client-domain.com" (like jobs.client-domain.com).
To troubleshoot, I tried to add the equivalent subdomain (client-domain-portal.client-domain.com) to the HubSpot Domain Manager without directly connecting it. Unfortunately, this attempt wasn't successful. I also attempted to add "client-domain-portal.rexx-systems.com" as suggested on Hubspot offical documentation for reverse proxy support. In this documentation: I read that the "added to HubSpot but not directly connected" domain must match the domain being requested through the reverse proxy, but this too was met with the same hurdle.
Considering the above, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide guidance on how to structure the Nginx configuration file in this particular scenario and clarify which domains are permissible to add.
For your reference, the HubSpot CNAME is something like XXXXXX67.sites-proxy.hscoscdn10.net.
The following is a summary of how I understand it, please correct me, if I am wrong:
Domain ownership verification via pre-provisioning an SSL certificate is a crucial step: no direct domain connection ==> only the "pre-provisioning DNS records" have to be added to the DNS provider.
the origin connection (proxy connection) is a HubSpot CNAME.
Host = X-HS-Public-Host = the content host domain "added to HubSpot Domain Manager but not directly connected" = HubSpot domain where content will be served from. ==> HubSpot systems are ‘aware’ of the domain.
Should I change $http_host to the content host domain?
Is it right to have X-HS-Public-Host and proxy_ssl_name set to the same domain?
For testing purposes, I am using an Nginx Docker image for reverse proxying. I am wondering if this could be the source of the current issues? It is worth noting that the reverse proxy operates as expected when I direct client-domain-portal.rexx-systems.com to localhost.
My initial plan was to deploy the Docker image on Google Cloud Run. However, based on some recent findings, I am now considering Amazon CloudFront or AWS EC2/ELB as possible alternatives. Google Cloud CDN or Google Cloud Load Balancing are also on the table, but cost considerations will be a deciding factor.
If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to your expert guidance on this matter.
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
Thanks for your help I thought i'd point a couple of extras from when we were getting ours setup we were following this but also found a couple of extra paths that should be useful
Ideally, all paths under your domain should proxy to HubSpot. If that's not the case, then the following paths must proxy so assets load properly from your domain: /_hcms/*, /hs/*, /hubfs/*, /hs-fs/*, /cs/c/*, and /e3t/*.
/events/public/* - This is for redirects in emails to work correctly /___context___/* - This allows devs to use the developer info page
Matthew Scott Head of Development | Hubspot Solutions Architect
B2B marketing agency: Specialist B2B content marketing and demand generation for SaaS vendors and HubSpot Users | Deeply Digital | HubSpot Partner since 2010
Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)
One additional item that might help - if you were attempting to perform the same type of lookup using curl as the proxy (using the HubSpot CNAME), it would look like this: