CMS Development

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

Note: The purpose of this post is to share lessons learned about setting up a reverse proxy with HubSpot CMS Enterprise. If you have experience, we invite you to share on this thread!


HubSpot CMS Enterprise allows for content to be served through a reverse proxy. This implementation requires significant technical know-how and while possible, is not a recommended standard implementation.


The core documentation for the HubSpot side implementation is available here


While not a recommended setup due to the trade-offs and technical expertise required, there are some use cases where setting up a reverse proxy makes sense and is technically supported by HubSpot CMS Enterprise. The primary use case for implementing a reverse proxy with the HubSpot CMS acting as a content source is when a website serves a web application from the same domain as the marketing website. For example, if you offer a web application at and also host a marketing content site at, a reverse proxy can route traffic to your web application servers on certain subdirectory paths, and to HubSpot CMS on other subdirectory paths.


HubSpot’s Professional Service’s Technical Consultants have aided customers in this implementation and hope to pass along a few lessons, including a sample nginx server configuration sample. (Note: HubSpot Services teams cannot provide recommendations on the ‘external to HubSpot’ aspects of this setup and we are sharing this information to document this publicly for others to learn from. Usage and implementation is your responsibility). If you do need guidance on the HubSpot setup, we can work on a project with you -  just reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Sales representative.


Lesson One: The domain in your HubSpot Domain Manager should match the domain being requested/served through your reverse proxy.

However, you do not need to directly connect / update your DNS settings to connect this domain to HubSpot’s servers. Instead, when a domain is securely served on an existing content host, HubSpot provides a TXT and CNAME record to add to your DNS that 
verifies domain ownership and pre-provisions an SSL certificate in the background. When implementing your reverse proxy, remember that the origin connection is a HubSpot CNAME and the Host and X-HS-Public-Host headers match the "added to HubSpot but not directly connected" HubSpot domain where content will be served from. The Host domain is added to HubSpot Domains so that the HubSpot systems are ‘aware’ of the domain, but that domain is never directly pointed to HubSpot in your DNS zone file.


Lesson Two: There are multiple ways to setup a reverse proxy server. Regardless of the approach, the implementation should always be in a load balanced environment so that traffic from your proxy rotates requests to the HubSpot CNAME origin from multiple IP addresses.

The two primary ways seen in our experience are using a managed CDN (like Amazon Web Services Cloudfront) or with a custom nginx webserver deployed on load balanced cloud infrastructure (such as Amazon Web Services EC2/ELB or Microsoft Azure). (Note: Due to HubSpot utilizing Cloudflare as it’s CDN, Cloudflare cannot be used in this setup). 


Lesson Three: When working with nginx, there are several headers and settings required to route traffic in an expected fashion. Below is a sample nginx location configuration file. Note: this is not guaranteed to work, and is a sample starting point. This is also a snippet of the entire configuration, highlighting location routing settings.

Due to the SNI (Server Name Indication) connection process that establishes a secure connection between your proxy and HubSpot’s servers, the proxy connection and content host domain are different (one is a HubSpot provided CNAME and one is the domain the content should be served from and is added to the HubSpot Domain Manager). To enable this in your nginx proxy, ensure that you include two important settings. These instruct nginx to send the server domain name with the SNI SSL connection handshake since the origin domain is different from the Host.


proxy_ssl_server_name on;


Here are two location paths that set each of the required and recommended settings in an nginx configuration file. Inspect each included value and what needs to be customized for your implementation. We encourage you to review the nginx documentation for settings such as securing upstream traffic, proxy_ssl and $proxy_protocol_addr

location ~ ^(/|/some-other-path) {
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-HS-Public-Host
    proxy_pass_request_headers on;
    proxy_set_header X-HubSpot-Trust-Forwarded-For true;
    proxy_ssl_server_name on;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $proxy_protocol_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-HubSpot-Client-IP $proxy_protocol_addr;

location ~ ^(/hs|/_hcms|/hubfs|/hs-fs) {
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-HS-Public-Host
    proxy_pass_request_headers on;
    proxy_set_header X-HubSpot-Trust-Forwarded-For true;
    proxy_ssl_server_name on;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP  $proxy_protocol_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-HubSpot-Client-IP $proxy_protocol_addr;

We hope this is helpful for any HubSpot customers who are interested in setting up a reverse proxy with HubSpot CMS. HubSpot Technical Consulting services can help provide guidance on the HubSpot components of this setup. If interested, please reach out to your main HubSpot point of contact or reach out via the form on this page.


If you have other advice or lessons learned with a reverse proxy setup with HubSpot, please share them for the community to benefit from!

28 Respuestas 28

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

hi, I have a question becouse you type: "you want the initiating domain to be the exact same that you add to HubSpot". Then it is not possible to create a proxy if I have a subdomain at HubSpot ( already and my main domain is "" ?

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

@PTrojanowski In this situation, I'll assume the following:

  1. You have an externally (non-HubSpot) hosted website at ''
  2. You have an existing blog hosted with HubSpot at
  3. You want to have traffic go to{article} and that content to be your HubSpot hosted blog origin

Assuming that's the desired behavior, you would need to (at a high level):

  1. Have the HubSpot CMS Enterprise product tier
  2. Follow the instructions to 'add' to HubSpot, but not ACTUALLY update your DNS to point the domain at HubSpot (it should point to your proxy server)
  3. Once SSL is pre-provisioned in HubSpot, make the new primary domain & sub-directory of your HubSpot hosted blog in HubSpot
  4. Have your proxy point traffic at HubSpot for the specific routes
  5. Set up redirects for all traffic from{article} to{article} so that old traffic routes to the proxied domain


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Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

Hi @robertainslie,


Can you make a print screen on the Behaviour configuration? I'm not able to make it working.


Thank you

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

@VIacob - there's likely several ways you can set the behaviors to make it work, but here's what I have in my test setup. I'm including screnshots of the origin setup and a specific behavior.








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Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

Hi @robertainslie, thanks for the answer!


I understand that  "HubSpot CMS Enterprise product tier" is necessary to have this?

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

@PTrojanowski - correct - reverse proxy setup is only available as part of a HubSpot CMS Enterprise tier.

There are obviously some other great features part of that product tier as well (one of the most powerful is access to CMS serverless functions, allowing for dynamic/data driven pages/light weight web apps).


If you're wanting to move forward with this project but not sure on your product tiers, shoot me a DM with your HubSpot Hub ID and I can connect with you, and loop in your Customer Success Manager or account executive and we can chat more about if this is the right fit to move forward with.

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Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

You're amazing! Thank you so much for the extra details, I couldn't finish the setup just looking in the official page. It worked perfectly using AWS Cloudfront.

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Tutorial: Setting up a Reverse Proxy With HubSpot CMS (with sample nginx & Cloudfront configs !)

You're welcome! 
If you have any additional insights or want to comment on the specifics of your implementation it would help make this post stronger!
Also, let me know what was unclear in the official documentation - I've been working with HubSpot's Tech Writing team to improve the reverse proxy documentation.