I had this same issue just now and fixed it by deleting a strange URL redirect that HubSpot had automatically added for some reaons. It was redirecting https?://www.domain.com(?P <page_slug>(?!/blog)/.*)?$ to http://www.domain.com/blog{page_slug }. I have no idea how it got created, but deleting it fixed the issue.
I'm not sure I follow. Why does your 404 page have a url at all?
If I enter mysite.com/gobbledygook451 and the page gobbledygook451 doesn't exist, the 404 page will show, but the url will remain mysite.com/gobbledygook451
Are you using some kind of forwarding in your 404 page template?
@BarryGrennanThat's why I am asking for this , I also created new template for 404 error it still redirect me on "blog" as menyioned above When I enter a wrong URL like "domain.com/sdasd" it redirect me "domain.com/blog/sdasd" I also attached the template code screenshot below of new 404 tepmlate you can see there are no redirectin etc through code. Do you have any Idea from where I can URL of this template
@RJChauhan I'm also confused by your question - @BarryGrennan is correct that the 404 page will always show the URL of the page that doesn't exist and results in the error.
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.
@Jnix284 That's why I am asking for this , I also created new template for 404 error it still redirect me on "blog" as menyioned above When I enter a wrong URL like "domain.com/sdasd" it redirect me "domain.com/blog/sdasd" I also attached the template code screenshot below of new 404 tepmlate you can see there are no redirectin etc through code. Do you have any Idea from where I can URL of this template