Jul 27, 20182:06 AM - edited Jul 27, 20182:13 AM
Styling for a logo tile custom module
I'm trying to create a custom module to display logos on our partner page. I would like each custom module to be have 25% width and have a display of 'inline-block' to ensure that there are 4 tiles across each row. However i can't seem to reduce the width of the custom module. I have provided a screenshot below of the div/class which is preventing me from doing this (which is a hubspot made div/class). I'm just not sure how to fix the issue using this div/class. I could fix it by targeting each custom module individually however this isn't practical. I'm looking for a global solution, which will make sure every time i add this custom module it will be 25% in width. The page where i'm trying to implement this is http://www-eurobase-com.sandbox.hs-sites.com/our-partners?hs_preview=CYWkVcAE-6002374269 Thanks for any help! kind regards Matt
@Matt1986 - Since you can't traverse up the DOM, you can only traverse down. You would need to drop a little JS into your page to assign a class to the parent of your module. Then, you can use CSS to style it how you like.
@Matt1986 - Since you can't traverse up the DOM, you can only traverse down. You would need to drop a little JS into your page to assign a class to the parent of your module. Then, you can use CSS to style it how you like.
If your template uses the drag and drop editor, you should be able to create some 25% columns and rows pretty easily that you can pop your modules into.
Alternatively you could create a repeater inside your custom module and handle the layout in there. At the moment, hubspot is wrapping each of your modules in a div which is why they're displaying full-width.
Hi Lewis, Thanks for your reply. I would like to solve this by targeting the HubSpot wrapper that surrounds the custom module. But I can’t seem to identify the class which I need to use to target this. Can you let me know this class? That issue I’m having at the moment.