Show title (h2-tag) to related posts just when related posts exist
Hey Hubspot-Community
I have created a related posts hubl-template module. The related-posts are working finde but i have one problem. Before i show the related posts i have a title for this section "See related posts". Now this title is showing even when there are no related posts to be displayed. How can i just show this title (h2) when there are related posts to be displayed?
you need to put an if statement before the h2, if this value exist, show the h2.
I would try it with "related_blog_posts", this might work. If this doesn't work we need to find another value, which indicates that, there are existing blogposts on the page.
Show title (h2-tag) to related posts just when related posts exist
Haha yeah sure @John ! I just marked South Georgia on my map. If i will make it one day to this far place on the planet i will step by and bring you some swiss cheese or whatever 😄 Thank you really again. Get a beer its on hubspot 🙂
Can you specify your answer a little bit? Your answer is not working out of the box. Where do i have to customize or which parameter do i have to work on?