CMS Development

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I have a large database for a new housing estate that currently filters the info based on site location and house name;


{% set plot_info = table | selectattr ("","equalto","London") | selectattr ("house_type","equalto","Sandringham") %}


Using {% for row in plot_info %} correctly shows me the list that meets the above crieria.


On a new line on the webpage I then want to display which of the 'Sandringham' plots is the cheapest. Is there a way to pull in the lowest value (price) row?

2 Replies 2
Key Advisor

Show lowest value

Hi @ben-duchy, you could sort by price, lowest first, and return only the first item in the loop.

{% for row in plot_info|sort(False, False, 'price') %}
  {% if loop.first %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Top Contributor

Show lowest value

Hi @piersg 


I couldn't get your first line to work, but simply changing it to the below did the trick

{% set table = hubdb_table_rows(3409955, "&site=London&house_type=Sandringham&orderBy=amount") %}


Adding the above to your 'loop.first' worked a treat though, thanks 🙂