CMS Development


Service Area Search by Zip Code

We are looking to add a search function on our contact page that would allow prospective clients to input their zip code to see if we provide services in their area. I have seen this function on other websites, but I am out of ideas on how to implment this through Hubspot. Any ideas are appreciated!

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Service Area Search by Zip Code

@GinaI Did you get this working? How did you do it? I'm able to set a map (like the tutorial) based on a user's location. But can't figure out how to get the search by zip to work.

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Service Area Search by Zip Code

@ndwilliams3 do you think this could be possible with HubDB or another COS tool?

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Service Area Search by Zip Code

I haven't used HubDB yet. However I definitely think it could be used for that. Take a look at the the tutorial here

While it's different from your use case, the logic and code would work.
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