CMS Development


Quote with accept button WITHOUT e-signature - possible?

Hello community,


In my previous company we used digital proposals where the customer could sign using a simple button. He simply hit the button 2 times and the proposal was accepted. There was no e-signature involved.


When the customer accepted the proposal, I got a confirmation e-mail as a salesman, and the customer got one too. (In the case of HubSpot I'd also like the Quote to be automatically registered as "accepted").


Is it possible to do this in HubSpot Quotes using the designer tools? Or are we 150% locked in to using e-signature? Any way to cheat myself around it?


I kind of hate the need to use e-signature because it's like 7 extra steps for the customer which brings them to a different website yada yada... 

3 Replies 3

Quote with accept button WITHOUT e-signature - possible?

Yeah this is very funny indeed because in my country a written signature isn't necessary for a contract to be valid. Simply replying "i accept this offer" in an e-mail would suffice, and this could be done via one button. Like Proposales does.


Just so I understand you correctly: The ONLY WAY for a quote to go from "Published" to "Signed" is by having the customer use the e-signature?



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Community Manager

Quote with accept button WITHOUT e-signature - possible?

Hey, @KJonsson 👋 This one is a bit funny in how it's built.


So, when building a template, it will always include the e-signature module. But when creating a quote with your custom quote template, you'll have the option to enable/include it or send a quote without signature verification. 

Nothing in the documentation indicates we can alter this at the template level, only when creating the actual Quote:

Have a wonderful rest of your day! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot


Quote with accept button WITHOUT e-signature - possible?

So if I send a quote wihout an e-signature, how do I push it from Published to Signed? Because I still want to do that. Thanks