CMS Development


Quote Custom template break page


I would like to insert a break page in a custom template.
With the red arrow I show the point.
So that when I generate the pdf of the quote, the Comments table starts on a new page.
And yes the table above has a dynamic height.

8 Réponses

Quote Custom template break page

Hi! I have the same need to update my quote template to include a break page, but right now we're using a standard quote template that isn't customized and I'm not as well versed in themes. Would anyone be able to lend a hand/advice or want to work on this project as a gig? Thanks!!

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Quote Custom template break page

Hi there,

Just so you know i solved that problem, the idea was to :


-First, to add in the CSS page of your theme:


@media print {
page-break-after: always;



Secondly, to call your class in your HTML page  : (including your div ) into a section !


<section aria-label="line-items">

<div class="pagebreak"></div>

{% module "line_items_table_modern" path="../modules/line_items_table_modern_11K" %}


Hoping that could helps someone


Quote Custom template break page

Hi @amandaulm ,

Thanks for your suggestion!

I add this 2 in my quote template

In the header:

@media print {
   #break-page {page-break-after: always;}

After my table:

<div id="break-page"></div>


But the PDF generated is the same 😞


Participant | Partenaire solutions Elite
Participant | Partenaire solutions Elite

Quote Custom template break page

Hi @fgoverna, I just try to do the same and it seems that this style works only with elements and not with class.
I use for example "div {break-inside: avoid}" to avoid to have div splitted in pages and it works correctly.
Just try to wrap your divs inside a section and use: section {page-break-after: always}


Quote Custom template break page

Hi @CSarzana  i'm stuck like @fgoverna .. I've tried to wrap my divs inside a section and use section {page-break-after: always} like you said  but nothing works still.. when i do it with <p> balise it's working but it's a mess.. how did you do to make it work correcly  ?

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Quote Custom template break page

Does someone have a solution ? Is that worked for you @fgoverna  ?

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Quote Custom template break page

Thanks @dennisedson 


Hi @fgoverna - This isn't something I've personally worked with in our quote templates, but I think something like this should work, as the quote is just a webpage:


I'd be interested to hear how it goes, if you do try it!

Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Quote Custom template break page

Hi @fgoverna 

Bringing @amandaulm into this conversation to see if she can lend a hand!

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