Push data from Hubspot form to Pardot form handler
Hi, our current setup is:
- Hubspot form (form field inside a Hubspot custom module) on our website hosted by Hubspot CMS. We have set up hidden fields to capture UTMs as well.
- Zapier to push form submission data to Pardot form handler
- Source information has been missing when contacts are created in Pardot following the form submission, even though GA4 and HS have been capturing the sources just fine
What we've tried so far:
- Re-create the form using html in a custom module, so that we can insert <form action="FORM HANDLER URL" method="post"> The problem with this is losing progressive profiling capability of HS form, plus styling the form in a custom module is really hard (we were hoping that copying the existing styling in the CSS box would work but it didn't).
- Modify the existing custom module and add various javascript commands to push data to the Pardot form handler. Styling + progressive profiling remain but no data is sent over to Pardot.
We are marketers so not fully technical and would appreciate any guidance. Thank you so much!
With that said, the solution you likely need to capture this will be technical and would require a custom build. Are you using an on page thank you after the hubspot post or is the Hubspot form redirecting? What I am thinking is happening is that the Hubspot form is posting, then Zapier is running after the post thus losing all of the source data. What you may need to do is customize the form embed code ( https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/forms/advanced_form_options ) on the onFormSubmit event to post asynchronously to Pardot which is a step in Hubspot form submits that happen after validation but before data is sent to Hubspot. The reason it has to be asynchronously is that if you don't then you run the risk of Hubspot losing data like Pardot is now. So you would post to Pardot and then allow Hubspot to post and run the success. It's been a few years since I've been active in Pardot, but you should be able to post via AJAX in this type of setup to accomplish what you want.
Basically this is a pretty big job that would require serious development time. So before going down this route, I would firt investigate your setup to understand if this is the best route forward or if a full migration one way or the other (Salesforce <-> Hubspot) is a better option.
Push data from Hubspot form to Pardot form handler
hi Ben, thanks for your reply. Because our website is on Hubspot, and the business decided to use Salesforce & Pardot for Sales and CRM, so marketing had to follow suit. And because of the GDPR requirement, we had to use Hubspot form instead of the native Pardot form which is iframe. Hence, the setup right now where we need HS form to push data to Pardot form handler.... Yes we're just using an on page thank you message, no redirecting after form submission.