Print Parent Company Name Instead of Parent Company ID
HubL inside of the template builder. Trying to pump 'company.parent_company_id' into an email. It shows up as an index number and not a name. I solved it though!
My workaround was to create a similar company property and use a workflow to copy that value into it. Somewhere along the line Hubspot deserializes it and turned it back into a string that contains the company name!
Are you talking about your company or a contact's company? Either way, if it is a property in your contacts you should be able to access it. Are you using HubL or the template builder?
Print Parent Company Name Instead of Parent Company ID
HubL inside of the template builder. Trying to pump 'company.parent_company_id' into an email. It shows up as an index number and not a name. I solved it though!
My workaround was to create a similar company property and use a workflow to copy that value into it. Somewhere along the line Hubspot deserializes it and turned it back into a string that contains the company name!