CMS Development

Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Posts not displaying if before a certain date

Hello all,

Curious issue.  I am combing two blogs and displaying on a page if a specific field matches the url.  This is working out fine, but I am trying to backdate a post and it disappears if the date is before feb 26, 2018 which is the date of the other post that is displaying.  If the post is after that date, it is fine.  I did a test and created a new post with an older date and it did not appear either, but if the date was newer, it did...

here is the page in question:


here is the code for the "in the news" section which is where the problem is

{% if dynamic_page_hubdb_row.hs_name %}
<h2 class="section">In the News</h2>
{% endif %}
{% set blog_mediamention = blog_recent_posts('6072755849') %}
{% set blog_press = blog_recent_posts('6073141986') %}

{% set posts = (blog_mediamention + blog_press) | sort(true, false, 'publish_date')%}

<div class="blog-section mentionOuter">
    <div class="blog-listing-wrapper cell-wrapper">
        <div class="blog-section">
            <div class="blog-listing-wrapper cell-wrapper">
                <div class="post-listing  mention-grid {% if simple_list_page %}-simple{% endif %}">
                    {% for post in posts %}
                          {% if  dynamic_page_hubdb_row.hs_path == post.widgets.executivebio.body.value %}
                      		<div class="mention {{ }} {% if post.topic_list %}{% for topic in post.topic_list %} {{ topic.slug }} {% endfor %}{% endif %}">
                            {% if post.widgets.mmtitle.body.value %}
	                            <div class="highlightSingle mentionSingle">
	                              <div class="highlightSingleInner">
	                                <h3>{{ post.widgets.mmtitle.body.value }}</h3>
	                            <a href="{{ post.widgets.mmurl.body.value }}" target="_blank" class="bdm_cta bluebell">Read More</a>
                        		{% else %}
	                            <div class="highlightSingle">
	                              <div class="highlightSingleInner">
	                                <h3>{{ post.widgets.prtitle.body.value }}</h3>
	                                <p>{{ post.widgets.prdescription.body.html|truncate(100)  }}</p>
	                            <a href="{{ post.absolute_url }}" class="bdm_cta bluebell">Read More</a>
                            {% endif %}
                        	{% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}


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Posts not displaying if before a certain date

Hi @dennisedson,


I want to tag in some subject matter experts to see if they can advise on this matter. 


@lgerodiaz@lewisvrobinson, & @Gonzalo do you have any suggestions?

