CMS Development


Override OpenGraph/Twitter title and description tags

For SEO reasons it is necessary that the meta title and the meta description is different to the Open Graph and Twitter tags. Adding these tags in the page settings with the HTML header editor will cause duplicate meta tags. Is there an other solution which is also more comfortable for the content editor.

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Override OpenGraph/Twitter title and description tags

og/twitter title and description are part of the standard_header_includes variable and populate by default with the meta title and description.standard_header_includes is a required variable for a template to publish, so it's not possible to leave it out and create your own custom version. I can't think of a way around this. 

HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Override OpenGraph/Twitter title and description tags

Hey @Schascha ,

Albeit this is for the OG:Image tag, you would pursue a similar approach for any other tag.

@ndwilliams3 might be able to add some richness to the answer here 😀