There is no additional coloring options available for HubSpot. There are a variety of extensions and softwares you can download on your computer that should allow you to change the coloring of your screen.
I know this thread was more specifically about a dark theme for the entire HubSpot app. But since this was posted in the CMS Development forum, I just wanted to add that there are themes available on the settings page in the Design Manager. You can find the settings in the bottom-right of the Design Manager window. If you click on Settings, you can then select the Settings option, and it will bring you to a page where you can select Code from the dropdown. It should look like this:
Under the appearance tab, you'll have an option to change the theme for code editing.
You know, Asana just released a night/dark interface... There are probably a thousand other more pressing things than this cosmetic functionality that would materially enhance the effectiveness of HubSpot to help the growth of all the businesses in your ecosystem... but Night Mode would be so cooooool! 🙂
Apr 4, 20215:46 PM - bearbeitet Apr 14, 20216:35 AM
Night Mode Skin/ Interface
Is there a way that the 'Create Date' of a touch may be switched to GMT? We're using Hubspot's API to load all our statistics into a data warehouse wherein all other data barring the facts here in Hubspot is in GMT.
Hey guys, I understand that there isn't a dark mode feature in HubSpot at this time, so I would recommend you to upvote this open feature request here: Night Mode in HubSpot.
At the same time, wanted to share this 3rd party Chrome extension that I came across and tried out. It's called Dark Mode for HubSpot and it's not bad! worth checking out in the meanwhile 🙂
Rebecca Wong Senior Technical Consultant Professional Services | HubSpot
The crome extension is working, I just downloaded it. Definitely, it'll be better to have it right from Hubspot features. Thanks for the info @rwong! My eyes thank you!
Ah, thanks for the update @nancygstorech! Glad that the extension helped, but agreed that if we had an in-app setting too. Going to update my original thread that the extension is available again 🙂
Rebecca Wong Senior Technical Consultant Professional Services | HubSpot
Hello, I would very much like to see a dark mode/Black mode for Hubspot. I have this for my Google and Microsoft set ups and find it much easier for my eyes. Thank you
I know this thread was more specifically about a dark theme for the entire HubSpot app. But since this was posted in the CMS Development forum, I just wanted to add that there are themes available on the settings page in the Design Manager. You can find the settings in the bottom-right of the Design Manager window. If you click on Settings, you can then select the Settings option, and it will bring you to a page where you can select Code from the dropdown. It should look like this:
Under the appearance tab, you'll have an option to change the theme for code editing.
But again, definitely feel free to submit an idea for app-wide themes. It sounds like there are other users who like the idea, and the more votes an idea gets, the more visibility it will have.
There is no additional coloring options available for HubSpot. There are a variety of extensions and softwares you can download on your computer that should allow you to change the coloring of your screen.
yes please create a night mode. this glare is killing my eyes. The issue with extensions is that there is it doesn't work with all elements of all pages, thus you need to turn it on and off.
Hubspot should definitely have a dark mode in the future. Sure we can use Dark Reader to skin it, but it breaks a lot of the software and certain elements like the deals in the board view don't go dark.