CMS Development


Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts




We have a blog template that we are about to use for Podcasts. At the moment the Hero Header is linked to the latest post. I can see teh HuBL code and see where it's referencing that, but don't know how to change it. 

The social media buttons aren't sharing the post - so I think they need removing from the header too. I've attached some of the code below so you can see what is going on.


Thanks in advance:


{% set p = contents|first or content %}
<div id="hot-post-header" class="hot-post-header {% if p.featured_image %} have-featured-image{% endif %} {% if blog_author and contents %}hidden{% endif %}" style="background-image:url('{{ p.featured_image }}')">
<div class="wrapper padded">
<div class="row-fluid-wrapper">
<div class="row-fluid ">
<div class="span12" style="">
<div class="cell-wrapper layout-widget-wrapper">
<span class="blog-listing-item-container">
<span class="hero-post-topic">
{% if p.topic_list %}
{% for topic in p.topic_list %}
<a class="post-topic-link" href="{{ group.absolute_url }}/topic/{{ topic.slug }}">{{ }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<h1 class="The Freedom at Work Academy">
<a href="{{ p.absolute_url }}">{{ }}</a>
<div class="post-details">
{%if p.blog_post_author %}
By <a class="hero-author-link" href="{{ group.absolute_url }}/author/{{ p.blog_post_author.slug }}">{{ p.blog_post_author.display_name }}</a>
{% endif %}&nbsp; |&nbsp; <span class="blog-post-date">{{ p.publish_date_local_time|datetimeformat('%B %d, %Y') }}</span>
{% if content_group.show_summary_in_listing %}
<a class="more-link" href="{{ p.absolute_url }}">LISTEN NOW</a>
{% endif %}
<span class="social-shares">
<a target="_blank" href="{{ p.absolute_url|urlencode }}"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>
<a target="_blank" href="{{p.absolute_url|urlencode}}"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>
<a target="_blank" href="{{ p.absolute_url|urlencode }}"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
<a target="_blank" href="{{ p.absolute_url|urlencode }}"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a>

<a href="#article" class="read-post">Listen Now</a>

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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi @KMoseley,


Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, please let me know and I am happy to continue investigating this issue with you. If you can share a link to the live page where this is being implemented, that would be great!


If you were able to resolve the issue, do you mind sharing your findings with the Community?


Thank you,

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Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi @KMoseley,

Are you looking for a static version like below?

<div id="hot-post-header" class="hot-post-header" style="background-image:url('urlOfImageHere')"> 
	<div class="wrapper padded"> 
		<div class="row-fluid-wrapper"> 
			<div class="row-fluid "> 
				<div class="span12" style=""> 
					<div class="cell-wrapper layout-widget-wrapper"> 
						<span class="blog-listing-item-container"> 
							<span class="hero-post-topic"> 
								<a class="post-topic-link">topicNameHere</a> 
							<h1>Hero Heading Here</h1> 

 You can change the content per your wish.

Ver la solución en mensaje original publicado

4 Respuestas 4
No aplicable

Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi @KMoseley,

Are you looking for a static version like below?

<div id="hot-post-header" class="hot-post-header" style="background-image:url('urlOfImageHere')"> 
	<div class="wrapper padded"> 
		<div class="row-fluid-wrapper"> 
			<div class="row-fluid "> 
				<div class="span12" style=""> 
					<div class="cell-wrapper layout-widget-wrapper"> 
						<span class="blog-listing-item-container"> 
							<span class="hero-post-topic"> 
								<a class="post-topic-link">topicNameHere</a> 
							<h1>Hero Heading Here</h1> 

 You can change the content per your wish.


Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi Kularanjan,


Thanks for this, I will clone and see how this works. Really appreciate you getting back to me.




Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi @KMoseley,


Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, please let me know and I am happy to continue investigating this issue with you. If you can share a link to the live page where this is being implemented, that would be great!


If you were able to resolve the issue, do you mind sharing your findings with the Community?


Thank you,

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Needing to change Hero Header on Homepage to NOT link to other blog posts


Hi Jenny,


I have managed to get hold of the designer of the template and they have helped and I have managed to trach myself some coding to make other adjustments. I will close this one now. Thanks so much.

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