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Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


Is there a way to have more than one category/topic listing per blog?

I would like two filter lists, one by topic and another by resource.

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Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


Hi @Woodsy


Unfortunately, this is not possible on a HubSpot blog currently. There is only one layer of topics supported. Probably to keep things simple for the user. 


You can create multiple blogs of course but this does not really solve the problem you are facing. 


Good luck!

Phil Vallender | HubSpot Website Agency

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Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions Elite
Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions Elite

Multiple Blog Topic/Categories




This is an essential feature for any platform, let alone HubSpot that focuses that much on content.

The bigger our clients get, the more often we get the question that they want a blog with filters over multiple terms. 



HubSpot CMS Developer

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Guide | Partenaire solutions Elite
Guide | Partenaire solutions Elite

Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


I also agree with @Ntbrown that we need more filters for blog but also HubDBs where we can filter by multiple terms and having the option filter set to 'OR' where now the only option is to filter by 'AND' as documented.

Indra Pinsel - Front-end developer - Bright Digital
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Multiple Blog Topic/Categories



Agreed. I think you'll find this to be the case with most HubSpot features. You can pick any basic feature you'd expect HubSpot to have - that virtually any other web platform has - and find a multi-year old thread about it and a complete absence of any improvement.


Having a taxonomy is trivial to implement. Lack of multiple authors, contributors, complete absence of even the most basic of editor widget integrations, series, meta, structuring of this meta, and many other things. These items aren't inherently shipped in platforms `out the box` but these platforms are `shipped` with the understanding of what web development requires and extensibility available to developers.  Remarkable forethought and advancment here. It's like all of these products were built without even a basic understanding of what people expect from a modern web platform and more importanly what's required in such a competitive niche - the boilerplate and other code bases used as `examples` in HubSpot's official repositories would seem to indicate that as well given the atrocious code and standards present within them.


Anyways, digressing.... You can technically make a custom taxonomy and do this yourself in round about ways, but even then it's not in a way that's easily queryable / manageable from either a development / user perspective without abusing poor practices. Per most HubSpot development even the trivialest items are an uphill battle given all the "roadblocks" you face.


Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


have you found a solution for this?

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Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


Hi @Bettinarf 


The situation is still the same - HubSpot blogs only support one level/axis of blog tags.

Phil Vallender | HubSpot Website Agency
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Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


thanks for your prompt answer!!

A pitty as it would be good to have some upper categories and then several tags associated with a post. 


Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


It's kind of pathetic that this hasn't been addressed. WordPress has this functionality, and it makes it very easy to expose the posts that are relevant to a customer's interest, as well as to highlight groups of posts on specific pages.

Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Multiple Blog Topic/Categories


Hi @Woodsy


Unfortunately, this is not possible on a HubSpot blog currently. There is only one layer of topics supported. Probably to keep things simple for the user. 


You can create multiple blogs of course but this does not really solve the problem you are facing. 


Good luck!

Phil Vallender | HubSpot Website Agency
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