Module pulls from HubDB in module preview, but not on page itself
I am writing a simple custom module that pulls from a HubDB table. When I preview the module in the Design Manager, it pulls the data from the table as expected.
However, when I add the module to a page, it doesn't pull anything at all. I have been going back and forth with Hubspot support, but they haven't been able to provide any help or seem to understand what I'm asking and keep referring me to a their Technical Consultation services.
What could be causing this to work in the module previewer, but not when added to a page?
I've attached screenshots of the module previewing showing the data from HubDB (Industries, types, default name, lorem ipsum, etcl). And the screenshot of the page itself where it isn't pulling in any of that data.
Code below as well:
{% set cardImageMax = 600 %}
{% for row in hubdb_table_rows('resources') %} <li>{{ }} - {{ row.description }}</li> {% endfor %} <p> hi </p> <section class="u3m-filtered-content" style="{% if module.module_overrides and (module.top_margin or module.top_margin == 0 ) %}margin-top:{{ module.top_margin }}px; {% endif %} {% if module.module_overrides and (module.bottom_margin or module.bottom_margin == 0 ) %}margin-bottom:{{ module.bottom_margin }}px; {% endif %} ">
<a class="anchor" id="{% if module.module_overrides and module.section_id %}{{ module.section_id }}{% else %}section-{% for item in content.widget_containers.module_1550084949043111.widgets %}{% if content.widget_containers.module_1550084949043111.widgets[loop.index0].id == name|replace('widget_', '') %}{{loop.index}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}"></a>
<!-- Featured Source -->
{% if module.include_filters %} <form class="u3m-filtered-content__multi-filter mixitup-multifilter">
Module pulls from HubDB in module preview, but not on page itself
Yes and no 🙂 It turns out, the client has HubDB through their subscription, but because they don't have Pro or Enterprise CMS, it won't actually work on a page, even though it works in the module previewer.
The support person was also frustrated after all of the back and forth trying to figure out why it was working on the back-end, but not on the front-end, and said they would submit feedback to the team about having some kind of banner or notice that the account needs an upgrade rather than simply not working.
Module pulls from HubDB in module preview, but not on page itself
Hey, @marenhogan👋 Quick follow up. Were you able to make any progress here? If not, we can try tagging a few of our HubDB-minded community members and invite them to the conversation.
Module pulls from HubDB in module preview, but not on page itself
Yes and no 🙂 It turns out, the client has HubDB through their subscription, but because they don't have Pro or Enterprise CMS, it won't actually work on a page, even though it works in the module previewer.
The support person was also frustrated after all of the back and forth trying to figure out why it was working on the back-end, but not on the front-end, and said they would submit feedback to the team about having some kind of banner or notice that the account needs an upgrade rather than simply not working.