CMS Development


Mircosoft Dynamics 365 Integration Security


We are looking to send HubSpot data into our Microsoft Dynamics 365, are we able to setup a firewall to secure the integration/data?

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Mircosoft Dynamics 365 Integration Security


Hi @KPiterski 


Last year I build a Proof of Concept for a projects that connected HubSpot to Microsoft Power Automate.


Unfortunately the app in the hubSpot Marketplace didn't work out of the box so I built out a new private integration.


If you are rolling your own integration I recommend you investigate HubSpot's Signature (that's included in the API Response) which will help you verify the data originated from HubSpot.


If you need a HubSpot Geek to build something for you then let me know!


Have fun



p.s. thank you for the mention @BérangèreL 


Here to learn more about HubSpot and share my HubSpot Knowledge. I'm the founder of Webalite a Gold HubSpot Partner Agency based in Wellington, New Zealand and the founder of Portal-iQ the world's first automated HubSpot Portal Audit that helps you work smarter with HubSpot.


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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Ouro

Mircosoft Dynamics 365 Integration Security


Hi @KPiterski 


Last year I build a Proof of Concept for a projects that connected HubSpot to Microsoft Power Automate.


Unfortunately the app in the hubSpot Marketplace didn't work out of the box so I built out a new private integration.


If you are rolling your own integration I recommend you investigate HubSpot's Signature (that's included in the API Response) which will help you verify the data originated from HubSpot.


If you need a HubSpot Geek to build something for you then let me know!


Have fun



p.s. thank you for the mention @BérangèreL 


Here to learn more about HubSpot and share my HubSpot Knowledge. I'm the founder of Webalite a Gold HubSpot Partner Agency based in Wellington, New Zealand and the founder of Portal-iQ the world's first automated HubSpot Portal Audit that helps you work smarter with HubSpot.


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Gerente da Comunidade

Mircosoft Dynamics 365 Integration Security


Hi @KPiterski, I hope that you are well!

Thank you for asking the Community!

Would you be interested in using this integration "Microsoft Dynamics 365" maybe?

1. Otherwise, how are you planning on sending the data? Via API or via webhooks?
2. Which type of data you'd like to send to HubSpot?

I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: Hi @zach_threadint, @MBERARD and @Mike_Eastwood do you have suggestions to help @KPiterski secure the data, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!


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