Nov 16, 20201:32 PM - edited Nov 17, 20207:43 AM
HubSpot Employee
Menu option "active-branch"
Hi @jmgonzalez67 ! The ideal way to do this would be to edit your current function that does this to accomodate the All button too!
If for any reason you can't do that one quick way of doing this would be by using the following code in your blog listing template, in the Additional markup before </body> box on the right pane in the design manager.
It's important to add this in the "before </body>" tag, or otherwise to use a function that waits for the DOM elements to load, otherwise onload the styling would be overwritten.
After checking your page I saw that the styling is applied by appending the active active-branch to your class - there's probably a few better ways of doing this, but that should work for now!
Edit: as per @piersgreply below they list an ideal way to do this if you're editing your blog template or creating a new one using the blog_tags function - the fix above is specifically used as the set up uses a menu and no blog tag functions which I should have mentioned 🙂 Thanks for the advice @piersg !
Nov 17, 20205:30 AM - edited Nov 17, 20205:47 AM
Key Advisor
Menu option "active-branch"
Hey @jmgonzalez67, it looks like you solved this, but for anyone else viewing this question you can do something like the below. The advantage of this is that it requires no additional JS/jQuery, it can be all be done using HubL.
{% set my_tags = blog_tags('default', 250) %}
<a href="{{ group.absolute_url }}" class="button{% if request.full_url == group.absolute_url %} active{% endif %}">All</a>
{% for item in my_tags|sort(False, False, 'name') %}
<a href="{{ blog_tag_url(, item.slug) }}" class="button{% if page_meta.html_title|split(' | ')|last == item %} active{% endif %}">{{ item }}</a>
{% endfor %}
Nov 16, 20201:32 PM - edited Nov 17, 20207:43 AM
HubSpot Employee
Menu option "active-branch"
Hi @jmgonzalez67 ! The ideal way to do this would be to edit your current function that does this to accomodate the All button too!
If for any reason you can't do that one quick way of doing this would be by using the following code in your blog listing template, in the Additional markup before </body> box on the right pane in the design manager.
It's important to add this in the "before </body>" tag, or otherwise to use a function that waits for the DOM elements to load, otherwise onload the styling would be overwritten.
After checking your page I saw that the styling is applied by appending the active active-branch to your class - there's probably a few better ways of doing this, but that should work for now!
Edit: as per @piersgreply below they list an ideal way to do this if you're editing your blog template or creating a new one using the blog_tags function - the fix above is specifically used as the set up uses a menu and no blog tag functions which I should have mentioned 🙂 Thanks for the advice @piersg !