hey there I've just visited your site, you have a quite a unique site here, a site which consists mostly of an image, here's a tip I can give you, to minimize your work doing this thing, If you're using a rich text field you can just use SMART content to change the your content based on 3 resolution (desktop , tablet , mobile) I just don't know what the specific resolution tho. but you can still use media query CSS rules to override something.
hey there I've just visited your site, you have a quite a unique site here, a site which consists mostly of an image, here's a tip I can give you, to minimize your work doing this thing, If you're using a rich text field you can just use SMART content to change the your content based on 3 resolution (desktop , tablet , mobile) I just don't know what the specific resolution tho. but you can still use media query CSS rules to override something.