CMS Development


Looping through custom checkbox in mail template.



I've just got a problem with the templating engine.


So I have a custom contact property which is a checkbox so the user can have one or more options.


In my email template I want to


1. Check if the user has set this property

2. Check how many options are selected

3. Looping through each option and printing it.


What I get in my mail template is:

{{ contact.recommended_add_ons|pprint }}

(String: Option1, Option2, Option3, Option4)


if I do:

{{ contact.recommended_add_ons|split(',') }}

[Option1, Option2, Option3, Option4]


And if I now loop to this (PyList) I get this:

{% for v in contact.recommended_add_ons|split(',')  %}

  {{ v }}<br>

{% endfor %}

Option1, Option2, Option3, Option4


And if I do:

{{ contact.recommended_add_ons|lenght }}

I get 31But the real options are in reality 75 characters long.


Does anyone have/had the same problem.


Thank you



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Looping through custom checkbox in mail template.


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Looping through custom checkbox in mail template.

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