I'm coding a custom language dropdown menu based on the default HubSpot language switcher and I have this problem which I cannot override HubSpot's logic through my codebase.
So my problem is:
1. Currently the chosen language is automatically moved to the top of the list, which I do not want it to work this way. 2. I want the dropdown menu options to stay in their current order without changing when a current language is selected. Here how I call language switcher to my code: <ul class="site-header__helper-navi"> <li> <button class="btn-search-open"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Open search</span> </button> <div class="search-modal"> <button class="btn btn-search-close">Close search</button> {% module "search_input" path="@hubspot/search_input" %} </div> </li> <li> {% module "module_17256216518301" path="@hubspot/language_switcher", label="language_switcher.module" %} </li> </ul>