CMS Development


Landing Page from forms



I'm looking for advice on creating a landing page that pulls information from form submissions. I've already created lists based on the location field from the forms. My goal is to send a link to the landing page to specific people, such as those in Manchester, and have the landing page display a list of postcodes collected from another form.

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Landing Page from forms

Hi @SBhatti,


Just to clarify, are you trying to consolidate all pre-submitted postcodes into a new form field?

Best regards,
Ernesto @ GiantFocal
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Landing Page from forms



I have two forms collecting locations - one formcollected from x group who will be in a certain area, for example Manchester, I want to give a landing page to this x group which will hold matching location and postcode from another form collected from y group, I was thinking I need to great a Hub db to hold this info?


Hope that make sense.

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