CMS Development


Is it possible to print a completed form when submitting

Is it possible to add a print option to a form that the user completing the form on a website can print a copy of their completed form while submitting?

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Is it possible to print a completed form when submitting

Thank you Jaycee,


The Form the we are trying to apply this function to is one we have built in Hubspot Forms.


Thank you,


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Is it possible to print a completed form when submitting

Hey, @MFenske 👋 That will be more of a challenge. One thought is to use workflows and automated emails, to send an email after the form submission. This would allow you to use Contact properties as personalization tokens and include the values added to a contact's record via your form.  


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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Gestionnaire de communauté

Is it possible to print a completed form when submitting

Hey, @MFenske 👋 Thanks for your post! 


Can you clarify what type of form you are using? Is it a HubSpot created form, a third-party form, or a custom coded form that submits via one of the Forms API endpoints? 


If it's the third option, you can look into using JavaScript to either:

  • After form validation and right before or after the form data is submitted, you can add JavaScript to trigger the print dialogue
  • If you'd prefer a PDF, using a client-side JavaScript library like jsPDF to create a PDF from the form data is worth looking into

Have fun building! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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