Increase the number of images on image slider module
Hi @DYoon5 - it looks like the module's slide repeater has a maximum of 20 set. But you can increase this in a custom/cloned version of the module.
If you go to the Design Manager, into the @hubspot folder and find the image_slider_gallery.module you can click on the option to "Clone module".
In your new module, hover over the "Slide (Field group)" > View and at the bottom under "Repeater options", increase from 20 to a higher number (or leave blank to set no maximum):
A screenshot of HubSpot's default image gallery module, with an arrow pointing to the maximum number of slides allowed in the repeater field.
Then publish your changes and start using your new module 🙂
Increase the number of images on image slider module
Hi @DYoon5 - it looks like the module's slide repeater has a maximum of 20 set. But you can increase this in a custom/cloned version of the module.
If you go to the Design Manager, into the @hubspot folder and find the image_slider_gallery.module you can click on the option to "Clone module".
In your new module, hover over the "Slide (Field group)" > View and at the bottom under "Repeater options", increase from 20 to a higher number (or leave blank to set no maximum):
A screenshot of HubSpot's default image gallery module, with an arrow pointing to the maximum number of slides allowed in the repeater field.
Then publish your changes and start using your new module 🙂