CMS Development


Images in external RSS feed emails

Hello there,


I'm trying to create a customised RSS email template for an external rss feed - but I'm having some issues with my images.


I have a Hubspot created template that uses drag and drop blocks to integrate an external RSS feed, it pulls from the RSS feed and it has working images (got our devs to add image links in the <description> field of the feed).


2019-05-13 17_10_51-Edit Email _ Coinlist RSS 1 - EN.png


I have also created a brand new template on Hubspot and have inserted the same external RSS feed using a HUBL module.


{% rss_listing

 This is a completely blank template using the same RSS feed as the working template, but for some reason the images aren't pulling through.


<!doctype html>
        <title>{% if content.html_title and content.html_title != '' %}{{ content.html_title }}{% else %}{{ content.body.subject }}{% endif %}</title>
        {% if content.meta_description %}<meta name="description" content="{{ content.meta_description }}"/>{% endif %}
        <style type="text/css" id="hs-inline-css">
            /* everything in this style tag will be inlined onto matching elements */
            .sample-rule {
        <!-- Preview text (text which appears right after subject in certain email clients) -->
        <div id="preview_text" style="display:none!important">{% text "preview_text" label="Preview Text <span class=help-text>This will be used as the preview text that displays in some email clients</span>", value="", no_wrapper=True %}</div>
        <!-- View as webpage link -->
        {% if content.create_page %}
                Not rendering correctly? View this email as a web page <a class="hubspot-mergetag" data-viewaswebpage="true" href="{{ view_as_page_url }}">here</a>.
        {% endif %}
        <!-- Insert body here -->
      <p> {% module "module_155731364507183" path="/RSS_Test/RSS-test-module1" %}</p>

        <!-- Office location information and unsubscribe links -->
        <p id="footer">
            {{ site_settings.company_name }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_street_address_1 }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_street_address_2 }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_city }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_state }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_zip }}&nbsp;
            {{ site_settings.company_country }}&nbsp;
            You received this email because you are subscribed to {{ subscription_name }} from {{ site_settings.company_name }}.
            Update your <a class="hubspot-mergetag" data-unsubscribe="true" href="{{ unsubscribe_link }}">email preferences</a> to choose the types of emails you receive.
            <a class="hubspot-mergetag" data-unsubscribe="true" href="{{ unsubscribe_link_all }}">Unsubscribe from all future emails</a>

2019-05-13 17_17_07-Edit Email _ blank-test1.png

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out why images get pulled through in the first instance, but not the second. I'm assuming that Hubspot is parsing the feed and stripping out the images?


My ultimate aim here is to create a customised RSS email template for our external feed - something like this (with images obviously)


2019-05-13 17_12_57-.png


Would appreciate some help 🙂

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2 Réponses
Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions
Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions

Images in external RSS feed emails

It looks like you are using an rss module for thew second template. Try just using an email body tag and then allow hubspot to insert the appropriate rss info there dynamicly. That ius what it does by default anyways.

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Images in external RSS feed emails

Hey, thanks for the reply.


Like this?


<!-- Insert body here -->
        {% rss_listing

Still no images unfortunately 😞


2019-05-14 11_42_46-Design Previewer _ HubSpot.png

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