If statement to check list/contact membership status
In HubSpot you can create smart CTAs that display based on contact list membership.
I was wondering if/how this could be executed as an if statement within a HubL template. For example; if user is in contact list display this content else display something else.
If statement to check list/contact membership status
This is certainly possible.
You should use the hulb IF/Statements in combination with the Hubspot Develerop Info.
Therefor, visit your page while logged in and open Developer info - see if you can find properties that show the user is known or not. (probably contact email or so).
You can use this value in your IF/Else statement 🙂
If statement to check list/contact membership status
@adriancblack I got this working earlier but it does not seem to be working anymore for some reason. I can't get any of my tests to work. Do you have a quick way to test whether this logic is still working within the module? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
If statement to check list/contact membership status
This is certainly possible.
You should use the hulb IF/Statements in combination with the Hubspot Develerop Info.
Therefor, visit your page while logged in and open Developer info - see if you can find properties that show the user is known or not. (probably contact email or so).
You can use this value in your IF/Else statement 🙂