CMS Development

トップ投稿者 | Solutions Partner
トップ投稿者 | Solutions Partner

HubL filters do not apply to HubDB query results in custom modules

If you fetch some data from a HubDB table in a "custom module" as follows, the HubL supported filters ( do not apply.


{% for item in hubdb_table_rows(1234567, options) %}
	<li>{{ item.my_string | filter }}</li
{% endfor %}

If you do the same in a "HubL module" it works.


Why is there a difference in the HubL filter behaviour?


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トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner

HubL filters do not apply to HubDB query results in custom modules

Please post the code you are using and check if your syntax has any errors.

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