CMS Development


HubL Register and Login Tags

Hi all.


I recently found the following HubL tags:
{% login "my_login" %}

{% register_member "my_register" %}

Has anyone successfully used these tags? I'm wondering how exactly they can be used. Perhaps they are correlated to password protected pages.




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Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Elite
Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Elite

HubL Register and Login Tags

@Hubmate - What documentation did you find these tags in? I don't recall seeing those anywhere. The password_prompt tag is used for the protected pages.

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HubL Register and Login Tags

I contacted Hubspot Support about the tags and they told me they are used internally but not yet available for customers. There are a whole bunch of interesting tags that are not found in the official documentation. Click 'HubL reference' in the bottom right of the code editor and have a look through. See attached screenshot (highlighted in yellow).


Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Elite
Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Elite

HubL Register and Login Tags

Interesting... I guess I just always made the assumption that the documentation there vs. the actual documentation site was 1:1

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