I'm currently using apexcharts.js to showcase data from HubDB in the form of a pie chart
I've successfully looped through all options within a HubDB column to define the pie chart categories/sections using:
labels: [
{% for choice in hubdb_table_column(2666166, 11).options %}
'{{ choice.name }}',
{% endfor %}
However, I now need to assign each category a value. If my multichoice hubdb column is "color" for example, I need to loop through the rows and return the count of rows for each color individually. Red, blue, green, etc.
Ideally, I would want a loop that returns the "count" of each column option, so it'd look something like:
// set a HubL array to hold the series' counts
{% set series = [] %}
// loop through the choices
{% for choice in hubdb_table_column(2666166, 11).options %}
// create a query against your choice column checking for the choice name currently being looped
{% set query = "<column name>__icontains="~choice.name %}
// using the created query set a vairable to hold the filtered row array
{% set rows = hubdb_table_rows(<tableId or name>, query) %}
// append the length of the array to your series array
{% do series.append(rows|length) %}
{% endfor %}
// set your series variable
series: {{ series }}
If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution.
Just confirming — am I implementing your suggestion correctly?
// set a HubL array to hold the series' counts
{% set series = [] %}
// loop through the choices
{% for choice in hubdb_table_column(2666166, 11).options %}
// create a query against your choice column checking for the choice name currently being looped
{% set query = "member_category__icontains="~choice.name %}
// using the created query set a vairable to hold the filtered row array
{% set rows = hubdb_table_rows('2666166', query) %}
// append the length of the array to your series array
{% do series.append(rows|length) %}
{% endfor %}
// set your series variable
series: {{ series }}
var options = {
series: [{{ series }},],
chart: {
width: 380,
type: 'pie',
theme: {
monochrome: {
enabled: true,
color: '#2254fe',
shadeTo: 'light',
shadeIntensity: 0.65
labels: [
{% for choice in hubdb_table_column(2666166, 11).options %}
'{{ choice.name }}',
{% endfor %}
responsive: [{
breakpoint: 480,
options: {
chart: {
width: 200
legend: {
position: 'bottom'
var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#member-pie"), options);
// set a HubL array to hold the series' counts
{% set series = [] %}
// loop through the choices
{% for choice in hubdb_table_column(2666166, 11).options %}
// create a query against your choice column checking for the choice name currently being looped
{% set query = "<column name>__icontains="~choice.name %}
// using the created query set a vairable to hold the filtered row array
{% set rows = hubdb_table_rows(<tableId or name>, query) %}
// append the length of the array to your series array
{% do series.append(rows|length) %}
{% endfor %}
// set your series variable
series: {{ series }}
If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution.