CMS Development


HubDB - Certain number of rows and More button


Is there any way to print only certain number of rows (I guess I can use limit filter for that) and hide other rows for example like under More button?

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Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Platinum
Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Platinum

HubDB - Certain number of rows and More button

For the More button functionality you could write custom JavaSctipt using this codepen example for inspiration, or use a plugin like infinite scroll which gives you the More button functionality out-of-the-box.


Hope this helps!



Dave Roma | Drive Growth Agency

Dave Roma,
HubSpot CMS Developer

Build a revenue generating website on HubSpot without a developer using The Generator Theme

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HubDB - Certain number of rows and More button

You could list them all and then apply a CSS class to hide those that you do not want to initially display. The 'view all' button could then remove the hidden class via JS.


Bryan Schneidewind
Manager of Web Development
Weidert Group

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